20 Best Resources to Learn Javascript for Beginners in 2024

When it comes to learning a trending programming language, you will find it tough to choose the right and free resources to study from. You know, without solid coding knowledge, how can you determine where is the right place to get your feet wet? Well, the same can be said about JavaScript. If you do want to learn JavaScript which is considered the language of the web (I presume you are here for that reason), there are a lot of best resources to learn Javascript.

Lucky for you, I have pulled together a huge list of resources that will either help you get started with JavaScript or broaden your understanding if you already know the basics.
Why You Need JavaScript Resources
JavaScript is an invaluable resource for web development, and the reasons behind its significance are abundant.
Firstly, JavaScript empowers web developers to create interactive and dynamic websites. It allows users to build modern web applications that interact seamlessly without the need to reload the entire page, enhancing the user experience.

JavaScript’s versatility is another compelling factor. It’s not confined to web development alone; it serves as the foundation for various applications, including mobile app development, game development, and more. Its adaptability makes it a sought-after skill in the tech industry.
The popularity of JavaScript is undeniable. It’s employed as a client-side programming language by a staggering 98.3% of all websites, with over 51 million websites utilizing JavaScript. This widespread use underscores its importance in the digital landscape.
Support from global tech giants further solidifies JavaScript’s relevance. Companies like Google and Facebook have created frameworks like Angular and React.js, respectively, contributing to the language’s continuous growth and innovation.
For those looking to learn JavaScript, there’s an abundance of resources available. Platforms like StackOverflow and GitHub showcase a growing number of projects using JavaScript. Its momentum in recent years indicates a promising future for learners.
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The 20 Best Resources to Learn Javascript for Beginners that You Should Know
1. Mozilla’s JavaScript Guide

1. Top 5 Javascript Frameworks That You Should Master |
2. 5 Best Javascript Books That You Can’t Avoid From Beginning |
3. Why Learn Javascript Help You Make a Lot of Money |
Covering endless documents from basic to more advanced functions for any skill level, Mozilla’s JavaScript Guide is your best bet. It also provides a lot of explanations of JavaScript that are easy to follow.
Price: Free
2. Eloquent JavaScript

This one is actually a free online book written by Marijn Haverbeke. Including 21 chapters, Eloquent JavaScript gives you a comprehensive look into JavaScript by featuring examples and explaining why JavaScript is written differently than other languages.
Price: Free resources, physical copy starts at $19
3. JavaScript Is Sexy – Free Resources
This website provides an in-depth roadmap that gives you a structured and instructive outline for learning JavaScript properly. It applies to all skill levels from absolute beginners to experienced programmers or web developers.

Price: Free
4. Codecademy JavaScript Track

If you’re looking for a resource that is both free and allows you to learn and implement code in real time, give Codecademy JavaScript Track a try. I promise it won’t let you down.
Price: Free resources
5. Douglas Crockford on JavaScript

Douglas Crockford’s blog is a great resource for all because it offered a bunch of lessons on using JavaScript. Unfortunately, the original site is no longer available. However, Douglas Crockford’s JavaScript page is still the best place to go to if you’re looking for an in-depth resource to learn JavaScript.
Price: Free
6. JavaScript for Cats by Max Ogden

If you want to learn something new and difficult but still enjoy the fun on that journey, then you’re in luck. JavaScript for Cats is the best fit for you! It walks you through the entire language from basic to advanced in a more quirky tone — as if cats were learning how to code. Sound interesting? Give it a try!
Price: Free
Recommended read: Best Javascript Tutorial for Beginners
7. JavaScript Garden

Unfortunately, JavaScript Garden does not aim to teach you JavaScript. It gives advice to avoid common mistakes and subtle bugs. As well as performance issues and bad practices. To understand the topics covered in this guide, you are required to have a fairly good background.
Price: Free resources
8. You don’t know JS
You Don’t Know JS is a series of books by Kyle Simpson that dive deep into the core mechanisms of the JavaScript language. All the books are on Github and are free resources to view!

Price: Free
9. Speaking JavaScript
Speaking JavaScript written by Axel Rauschmayer is another book that walks you through JavaScript quickly and properly, and also deepens your existing skills.
Price: Free
10. freeCodeCamp.org
This is a non-profit organization that offers an extensive range of interactive coding lessons, including a comprehensive JavaScript course. The course covers basic JavaScript, ES6, regular expressions, basic data structures, Object Oriented Programming, and functional programming. It provides an interactive learning environment where you learn JavaScript by doing hundreds of challenges and five certification algorithm challenge2. At the end of the course, you can receive a free certification to share on your professional profiles.
Price: Free
11. JavaScript 30
This platform offers a 30-day vanilla JS coding challenge. It’s a great way to learn by doing, and it’s completely free. The course is built around 143 interactive challenges. Each day, you build something new with vanilla JavaScript, with no frameworks, compilers, libraries, or boilerplate. The course covers a wide range of topics, including conditions, loops, functions, objects, arrays, and ES6.
Price: Free
12. CodeMentor
Offers a 4-week course to learn JavaScript. You can even book a 1:1 class with a mentor. The course covers front-end topics like AJAX, JSON, jQuery, and more. The cost of the course depends on the subscription plan5. CodeMentor also provides an opportunity to get your project built, code reviewed, or problems solved by vetted JavaScript freelancers.
Price: $15 per hour
13. Educative.io – Learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript from Scratch
This is a free interactive course that teaches HTML, CSS, and JavaScript from scratch. The course includes 145 playgrounds, 41 challenges, 19 quizzes, and 27 illustrations. It covers semantic web page layout with HTML, stylizing HTML content using CSS, and an introduction to JavaScript, basic data types, and operators.
Price: depending on the subscription plans
14. Learn-JS.org
This is an interactive JavaScript tutorial for people who want to learn JavaScript quickly. The website provides a hands-on learning experience with instant feedback. It covers a wide range of topics including conditions, loops, functions, objects, arrays, and ES6.
Price: Free
15. Learn JavaScript
This is a comprehensive tutorial that covers everything from the basics to advanced JavaScript. It includes topics such as HTML to define the content of web pages, CSS to specify the layout of web pages, and JavaScript to program the behavior of web pages. It covers every version of JavaScript from the original JavaScript ES1 ES2 ES3 (1997-1999) to the yearly additions (2016, 2017 … 2021, 2022)3. It also offers a certification upon completion.
Price: The first 77 lessons are free. For full access, there’s a one-time payment that gives you access for 5 years
16. Metana
Metana offers JavaScript courses from beginner to advanced levels. It’s renowned for its approachability and provides immediate feedback, allowing for a hands-on learning experience2. It also offers a Full Stack Software Engineering Bootcamp that focuses on teaching the most sought-after skills in the software engineering field.
Price: The cost varies depending on the course
17. Udemy
Udemy offers a variety of JavaScript courses taught by industry professionals. For example, “The Complete JavaScript Course – Beginner to Professional” is a comprehensive course that includes over 33 hours of training, quizzes, and challenges. It covers everything from basic to advanced concepts and techniques5. The course is designed to take you from beginner to professional, helping you master JavaScript with projects, challenges, and theory.
Price: $12.99 to $199.9
18. Coursera
Coursera offers a variety of JavaScript courses from universities and companies. For instance, the “Programming with JavaScript” course by Meta provides a comprehensive introduction to JavaScript, covering basic concepts of web development with JavaScript. You will work with functions, objects, arrays, variables, data types, the HTML DOM, and much more.
Price: Free
19. Udacity
Udacity offers a free course called “Intro to JavaScript” where you can learn the fundamentals of JavaScript, the most popular programming language in web development. They also offer an “Intermediate JavaScript Nanodegree Program” for those who want to further enhance their JavaScript skills.
Price: Udacity offers a monthly subscription for $249 per month. They also offer an annual subscription for $199 per month, billed annually.
20. edX
edX provides a variety of online JavaScript courses and programs. You can learn everything from JavaScript basics to more advanced concepts. They also offer a course called “W3Cx: JavaScript Introduction” which is designed to help you understand the basic concepts of the language.
Price: edX courses are technically free to audit, but to get the verified certificate for completing the class, you’ll have to pay a fee. The verified learning pathway can cost anywhere from $50 – $300 per course.
Hopefully, you are able to find at least one of these above resources to guide you through the world of JavaScript. It would be a good start for you to begin your new journey. But remember, nothing can replace what you learn by actually getting your hands dirty with it. Start on a new JavaScript project now!