Top 5 Javascript Frameworks That You Should Master

If you’ve been in the software development world over the past few years, you can’t avoid noticing some new versions of important JavaScript frameworks. Although there are a variety of options for modern developers to choose from a range of JavaScript frameworks out there, five of them stand out: Meteor.js, Angular.js, React.js, Ember.js, and Backbone.js.
Nonetheless, with hundreds of free JavaScript frameworks out there, you might pull your hair out to make the decision on which one you should get your feet wet with. If you’ve been in the software development world over the past few years, you can’t avoid noticing that JavaScript popularity continues it’s rising insanely.

Even if you don’t have any plan on doing any web development, you will most certainly bump into JavaScript at some point in your journey. Moreover, according to IBM, JavaScript is the best programming language to learn in 2022.
If you ask five people about their choices, you will likely get five different answers. Everyone has their own reasons for preferring a particular framework. There is no one-size-fits-all. It depends not only on how beginner-friendly is but also on what kind of projects you want to work on.
The Top 5 Free Javascript Frameworks That You Should Know
To help both you and me sleep tight at night, here are five of countless JavaScript frameworks popping up lately that are actually worth keeping a close eye on:
1. Meteor.js – Best JavaScript Frameworks

Meteor is no longer a new concept to those who study and work in the IT section. Unlike other frameworks, Meteor is a smart and powerful tool that allows you to build web and mobile applications to win one single language of JavaScript.
In terms of programming, Meteor is described as an open-source and full-stack JavaScript platform that includes a key set of technologies for building reactive web and mobile applications. Meteor requires less code, so even though you are a newbie to programming, you are able to build your own amazing app at lightning speed. You can access to find out how Meteor actually works in practice.

Recommended reading: 4 Best Learning Resources for meteor.JS That You Should Know
2. Angular.js

What are the most beloved JavaScript frameworks for building a single-page application? What is “the big daddy” in the JavaScript framework world? Needless to say, it’s the popular Angular. Released for the first time in 2009, it was the baby of Google (which is convincing enough to use). Till now, the Angular ecosystem has grown beyond imagination.
Two-way data binding is a much-loved feature of Angular.js because of its magic which automatically synchronizes the view and the model. Besides, it also includes some other useful features such as extending HTML vocabulary, client-side form validation, the possibility to create custom DOM elements, and more.

You can dive deep into it at
Recommended reading:
How to Create a Custom Dialog by Angular Material Dialog?
3. React.js

Are you in love with Facebook and Instagram’s user interface? Let me unveil to you a secret, React.js is the superhero standing behind and powering that user interface. Isn’t it cool?
Came out in 2013, it’s currently the hottest and the fastest of the bunch because of its implementation of a virtual DOM and synthetic event. Another thing developers love about React is that it’s much easier for developers with JavaScript experience to get a handle on it.
Find more information about React at
4. Ember.js

Another powerful MVC JavaScript framework is Ember.js. It was initially released in late 2011 as an open-source project by Yehuda Kats. Like Angularjs, Ember also rides on the principle of two-way data binding.
Ember stands out with its simplicity and flow of functionality to make web development a smooth experience. Also, the Ember community is quite big and active, so if you face any problem in your journey, you can ask them for help.
Learn more about Ember at
5. Backbone.js

First released in 2010 by Jeremy Ashkenas, Backbone is a lightweight but full-featured JavaScript framework.
Backbone stands amongst some of the most popular web development frameworks for JavaScript developers for two reasons – its easy-to-understand usability modules, as well as the very straightforward learning curve.
You can read more about Backbone at So, there you have it. I just highlighted the 5 best JavaScript Frameworks in this blog. I know that choosing a JavaScript framework might be a tough choice because there are tons of frameworks available on the market these days. And I hope this post can help you determine a suitable framework for your projects.
Do you want to add some more names to the list? You can do so by mentioning the names of some more popular JavaScript frameworks in the comments box below.