Design World Archives - Designveloper Realizing ideas Sat, 23 Nov 2024 23:19:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 6 Key Web Design Recommendations and Best Practices Sat, 23 Nov 2024 23:19:32 +0000 It’s easy to come up with an idea to design your website but do you really know how to put things together so that your design is optimized? This article from Designveloper will detailedly show you 6 web design recommendations and best practices when designing a web for you 6 Key Web Design Recommendations and … Continue reading "6 Key Web Design Recommendations and Best Practices"

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It’s easy to come up with an idea to design your website but do you really know how to put things together so that your design is optimized? This article from Designveloper will detailedly show you 6 web design recommendations and best practices when designing a web for you

  • How to design a good CTA?
  • What tone of theme should we apply to the design?
  • How can the illustration fit into your design?
Web Design Recommendations

6 Key Web Design Recommendations and Best Practices for Designers

1. Design your CTAs wisely

Call-to-Action (CTA) is a really important element to pay attention to when you are designing a website. CTA is the one thing that could make or break your customer decision, and as a result, this graphic element will surely affect your sales.

While the copy of a CTA gives the customer a clue to figure out “why should I click this button?”, the appearance of it solves the myth of “where should I click?”. A good designed CTA should help users navigate and understand their future actions. That’s why CTA is a really crucial element when it comes to designing a web.

Though drafting a CTA button is not a difficult task, optimizing to make a sale through it is not an easy one either. Below are 3 UI tips from Designveloper that could help you make the best out of this.

Design your CTAs wisely
1. Designers Should Know How to Code?
2. 5 Types of Logos That Kicks Ass in 2022
3. How to Organize Design Files That Help to Save Time?

Use contrasting colors

There are many aspects that your button’s color choice should think of such as the color of the whole composition, and the psychological peculiarities of the target audience. One of the most important factors you must implement in your color choice is contrast. As the background and button color are contrasting the CTA could be an unusual element on screens and stand out from the others.

Let’s look at an example of how the Designveloper team uses contrasting colors to design the CTA buttons on our website:

Designveloper's CTA buttons using contrasting color

Choose a bigger size

On the one hand, Every designer knows that the bigger an element is, the more eye-catching it is. On the other hand, CTA is made with the purpose to optimize the conversion rate. That’s why a big enough button would draw the attention of the customer more effectively, and there is a higher hope that they will respond to it compared with small and unnoticeable buttons. However, don’t widen the button too much as it will affect other elements and the whole design of your website. There is tip from Apple suggesting that your button should be at least 44 points x 44 points.

Your button should be at least 44 points x 44 points. Image: Apple.
Your button should be at least 44 points x 44 points. Image: Apple.

Watch out for the fold line

Above and below the fold line is a concept regarding the printing press. Newspapers are double-folded to put on the stall because the sheets are too large. And this makes the passerby only see the above folded half. That’s why newspapers have to attract customers by putting engaging headlines or pictures on the top half to boost sales. When it comes to designing a website, the fold is related to our scrollbar.

As Tyson Quick stated in his article in Instapage, A CTA placed above the fold can immediately draw visitors’ attention. However, several analyses show that it’s best to put your CTA on the above half only when the majority of your customers have already known about the service/product and want to make a deal faster without any further research.

Best practices for above the fold CTA. Image: The Landingpage Course.
Best practices for above-the-fold CTA. Image: The Landing Page Course.

As opposed to this placement is below the fold. It is said that if your customers have no idea what is your service/product then the CTA should be at the bottom of the page so that customers could see some value of the offer. Brad Geddes ran a test on his own real estate website where the call-to-action media were moved below the fold, and the conversion rates went up. After that, he and his team tried putting the CTA back to the top of the page, surprisingly, the conversion index went down.

Designing a Web or Mobile
Best practices for CTA are below the fold. Image: The Landing Page Course.

The example has shown that CTA placed above the fold is not always the best practice. So the two crucial questions towards this are:

– Are your customers familiar with the product/service?
– Are your offerings easy to understand to the majority of your customers?

If you say yes to both questions, let’s lay a CTA on the top of the page. In the case that the offering is hard to follow then you’d better place the CTA below the fold.

2. Using dark backgrounds

It comes as no surprise that more and more UI designers are likely to choose dark themes over light ones so that the interface they designed would have a stylish and trendy look. In fact, the reasons behind this are various.

Why you should use dark backgrounds

The first reason is that dark background will not strain users’ eyes. Of course, it is easier to read the news, and blog posts with a light theme in a short while. However, when we have to work for a long duration (coding, reading a long essay, etc.), a dark theme with light text is a better choice. It enhances readability and legibility.

Secondly, if the environment encourages using a dark theme, do it. Are you familiar with Netflix or Spotify? Both of them apply dark themes to their interface. This is because people tend to watch movies and listen to music to relax. According to a report by IFPI, consumers are more likely to listen to music when they are relaxing at home (63%). Regarding Netflix, it is found that its users would stream movies, and series late at night, or in a room with dimmed light.

It is found that its users would stream movies, series late at night, or in the room with dimmed light. Image: Netflix.
It is found that its users would stream movies, or series late at night, or in a room with dimmed light. Image: Netflix.
People tend to watch movies and listen to music to relax. Image: Spotify.
People tend to watch movies and listen to music to relax. Image: Spotify.

Another example of this is all of Adobe’s products including Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc. adopt dark interfaces (like black, and grey) so that designers could focus on their tasks and their eyes could be comfortable when working for a few hours in a row.

Since bright background can cause strain in such an environment and also distract users’ attention, a dark background is always the better option here.

Tip to use dark backgrounds

There are several tips when applying a dark background to your website, including:

  • Since dark background absorbs light from other elements, you should make use of negative space so that your users won’t be distracted by relevant information.
  • If there are texts in your design, you’d better use sans-serif fonts so that users can easily skim the information on the page.
Designing a Web or Mobile
A San Serif font is used in a dark background website. Image: Two Chimps Coffee.

Best practice for dark backgrounds

If you are still wondering about deciding whether light or dark is the best, here is a checklist for you:

Step 1: Define the purpose of the interface. Is it a text-driven website (blog, news, e-reader)? If so, the light theme is a suitable one. In the case that your website is visually-driven, the choice should be a dark background.

Step 2: Define your target audience. The two questions you should keep in mind are:

+ Who are they?
+ What do they want?

Based on the answer, you will figure out what the best choice is. In other words, if you want to make a website for middle-aged people, a light background is the best practice as this tone is more intuitive and navigable. When it comes to young audiences, dark themes are more original and stylish. However, teenagers and kids prefer bright and engaging themes.

Step 3: Test and test and test. You can never trust any recommendation without testing it first. A/B testing will give you a better view of your audience’s behavior and then you are able to optimize your website as much as possible.

But there are two more choices for you when deciding what tone the background should be. First, your interface could be dark but there has been a white tap for the copy. The other recommendation is to empower your users. Design more than one interface theme and let them choose whatever background tone is suitable for their needs. Here is an example from Slack:

Slack's changeable theme feature. Image: Slack.
Slack’s changeable theme feature 2. Image: Slack.

3. Using custom illustrations

This is 2024 and who doesn’t use illustrations on their website? Well, if you are one of the people who are still new to this, below are some reasons explaining why illustration is a must these days.

Generally, illustration is more effective when it comes to grabbing users’ attention compared to texts. Plus, if your work of illustration is beautiful enough, then it will probably satisfy the need for aesthetics of the human being. Therefore, this type of element could encourage a user to keep rolling the scrollbar.

Designing a Web or Mobile
The illustration is more effective when it comes to grabbing users’ attention compared to texts. Image: Octave & Octave.

Why we should use custom illustrations

Illustrations are the best web design recommendations from us for you. It can help the audience process data quicker than texts, they will see what you mean in just a second, without having to know the context. Thanks to the recognizable characteristic of illustrations, texts (copies) are well supported and it also helps the information stay in users’ minds longer than usual.

Illustrations help the audience process data quicker than texts. Image: Kick My Habits.
Illustrations help the audience process data quicker than texts. Image: Kick My Habits.

One more reason is that custom illustration enhances brand awareness and recognizability. Illustrations are the one unique factor and experience that brands could give their audience.

What’s more? It’s your work then you can custom and sync it however you want. The artwork could be engaging, fun, appealing, etc. The choice is yours but it should go with the flow of the whole design.

Designing a Web or Mobile
Illustration enhances brand awareness and could be customized and synced easily. Image: Fixate.

Best practice for using custom illustrations

The first thing to analyze is always your target audience. After that, it’s wise to figure out what the environment of your website is, in other words, if you want to show your sense of humor then a fun pack of illustrations will work.

Next, let’s consider if your illustration is understandable or too complicated for users, don’t make them think, you know! And the final tip is that the work should not be a distracting factor to your website, the main idea of all of these is selling service/product, right?

Those are three practices that we at Designveloper think you should consider for the next project. If you have no expert around to develop your own product, let Designveloper help you. Reach us at our estimation page so that we will have a better view of your idea.

Before you go, don’t forget to visit us weekly for more informative content about software development, product designing, etc. And also, the 2nd part of this topic will be published soon, so stay tuned!

After the first part, we will present you with another article about 3 other tips and best practices when it comes to web design. This second article will include:

  • How to use negative space in your work?
  • How minimalism is practiced these days?
  • Will consistency affect the design?

And well, if you miss the first part of this article, just click here to read it.

4. Using negative space in your design

What is negative space?

In recent years, designers, especially those who work in UX/UI field are using negative space more than ever for various reasons. But where did it come from at first?

Basically, negative space is often referred to as white space. This is a term used in various print design tasks such as book, magazine, and newspaper design. The space around elements in print design is often white, so designers use this color to call untouched and blank parts in pages of books, magazines, or any other print works.

However, negative space was originally used in photography where photographers see it as the area surrounding the main subject. And well, it doesn’t have to be white.

In web design, this element is the space found inside and surrounding other elements like typography, buttons, texts, lines, etc. It can be in logos, illustrations, posters, etc.

Some other subterms regarding negative space are:

  • Micro: it is the small space between elements like lines, paragraphs, and grid images.
  • Macro: this kind of negative space is placed between majored layout elements.
white space, negative space
Micro and macro negative space in UI design.
  • Active: used to clarify the structure of your web page and also help to guide users through the page’s content.
  • Passive: used to improve the aesthetics of the layout.
white space, negative space

Benefits of negative space

As in a website, negative space will enhance your web design one way or another. Below are some of its benefits when designers adopt this element in their works:

  • Keeping the balance between elements like words and pictures.
  • Creating contrast by proximity/distance between objects.
  • Clarifying the relationship between layout and component.
  • Buffering the bond between elements in a layout.
  • Making the design less clumsy by strengthening the visual hierarchy.

These factors mostly help users perceive information better thanks to the fact that negative space will eliminate all the distractions. Furthermore, this tool also adds style and elegance to the website.

How to use it in a web design

Generally, negative space is the most needed aspect of graphic design. However, when designers practice it well, clients and users can hardly recognize this bit, or else, negative space could jump off the screen and scare your visitors stiff. So next is some recommendations on how to executive this element in a design:

Web and App Design, negative space
  • Understand the differences between macro and micro white space as well as active and passive white space. Pay close attention to them because the devil is in the detail, you know.
  • Keep other objects interesting, and natural to power up the effect of negative space.
  • Be consistent in your negative space draft.

There are several factors that likely affect negative spaces in a design: legibility; design tone and branding; focus and attention.

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2. UI vs UX Design: Definition and Why This Comparison Should Not Exist?
3. UX Design Careers: What You Need to Focus On?

5. Minimalism in web design

What is minimalism?

Chances are that you have visited these types of websites many times like these:

Web and App Design
Web and App Design

This happens due to the fact that minimalism (or the art of less, according to Steelkin) is one of the most popular design approaches at the moment. In short, to design a minimalist website, designers will eliminate unnecessary elements or contents that are not helpful.

Many experts guessed that this trend comes from the International Style, the style of design which was a trend back in the forties and fifties of the 20th century.

As for the digital age, ever since adopted by Microsoft (in Windows 8) and Apple, minimalism has become the biggest trend in the web design industry.

Why you should use this technique in your web design?

The reasons are various, it may be because:

  • Minimalism is the biggest trend right now, and it will only get trendier.
  • Websites that used this kind of technique are easier to make responsive.
  • Your website will load faster due to the fact that there are fewer elements on the page.
  • Your visitors will be able to focus on important things like messages, products, services, etc.

The Characteristics of Minimalism

Nielsen Norman Group has conducted a piece of research on the movement of minimalism in 122 minimalist websites, and below are all the most used minimalistic techniques.

  • Flat patterns, texture (96%). This is the technique that doesn’t use any effects such as highlights, shadows, gradients, etc. to make the website glossy or 3-dimensional. However, the flat style of web design could reduce the legibility of your web and affect your customers’ behavior.
Web and App Design, minimalism
  • Limited or monochromatic color palette (87%). Different from the colorful style of the 2000s, today’s websites are mostly made of less than 5 colors. In their research, Nielsen Norman found that half of the samples (49%) used a monochromatic color palette, most of them adopted white, black, and gray in their interface. Nevertheless, you should make sure that the color scheme is contrasting enough to enhance the content’s legibility.
minimalism, simple
  • Restricted features or elements (87%). If you want to get rid of redundant elements in your design to make it a minimalist one, a good plan is needed here. That’s why you should draft a detailed sitemap so that the website won’t miss anything important and eliminate unnecessary bits.
  • Maximized negative space (84%).
  • Dramatic use of typography (75%). Using one special typeface is like implementing a bold color in a minimalist design, this tool is to increase the impact of a website’s visual without using too many elements.
Web and App Design

6. Be consistent

In the design world, it is essential to be creative all the time. However, creativeness should go with consistency to make your work friendly and usable. These rules are the best web design recommendations for you when designing your products.

The 2 most important types of consistent web design

  • Visual consistency: is how your visual elements such as font, size, icon, and buttons match with each other.
consistent in design
Visual consistency. Image: UX Booth.
  • Functional consistency: in a website, when functions are predictable that’s when you have functional consistency in your design. Thanks to this characteristic, your user will feel safe and secure. And who does not need it?

The benefit of being consistent

Even the most creative designer needs consistency in their work so that it could be a successful product. Below are some reasons that make consistency so important to web design:

  • It contributes to the usability and engagement of your website.
  • Consistency eliminates contraction.
  • This factor will also strengthen the image of your brand in the users’ minds.
Web and App Design, consistent, consistency in design

Some ways to make your web design consistent

When working on a digital product, it is easy to

  • Use a familiar set of elements in your web such as typography, colors, space, grid, size, and positions, or you can just reuse them on a website.
  • Your pages may be different in terms of content and visuals but the layout should be related so that the users can recognize your product immediately.
  • Do not get rid of the grid in your design. Everything should be perfectly aligned with each other.


Through this article, you might better understand how to design a good website using CTAs wisely, dark backgrounds, custom illustrations, negative space, and minimalism. Further, ensuring visual and functional consistency across all website versions is a must to keep users engaged and purposeful toward your brand.

We at Designveloper hope that these web design recommendations will benefit you in one way or another. In case you guys have any other tips on web design, leave a comment here. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

The post 6 Key Web Design Recommendations and Best Practices appeared first on Designveloper.

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The UX/UI Design Challenges in Developing Insurtech Software for a Digital-First Insurance Experience Tue, 29 Oct 2024 17:00:40 +0000 Having a functional, efficient and unique UX/UI design is necessary for any application to grow and create a seamless experience for Insurtech users. As the world is brimming with digital technology and misinformation, hence, one needs to be apt to the challenges and outcomes of their software for providing a digital-first insurance experience.  A decade … Continue reading "The UX/UI Design Challenges in Developing Insurtech Software for a Digital-First Insurance Experience"

The post The UX/UI Design Challenges in Developing Insurtech Software for a Digital-First Insurance Experience appeared first on Designveloper.

Having a functional, efficient and unique UX/UI design is necessary for any application to grow and create a seamless experience for Insurtech users. As the world is brimming with digital technology and misinformation, hence, one needs to be apt to the challenges and outcomes of their software for providing a digital-first insurance experience. 

A decade ago, insurance companies underwent a transformation, all the complex paperwork was streamlined into a few digital steps; however, the process of this transformation is not a simple procedure, rather it involves complex steps and hurdles in UX (user experience) and UI (user interface) to create the best software for the consumers. 

In this article, we will discuss the UX/UI design challenges and their solutions in developing Insurtech software for a digital-first insurance experience. It will further benefit the software in building customer confidence, cooperation, loyalty and interest. 

Challenges and Solutions to UX/UI Design in Developing Insurtech Software

In 2023, Insurtech software gained over 4.5 billion in investment due to its significance in boosting value, personalization and efficiency. The Insurtech software benefits everyone who works under the insurance agency management software, whether it’s brokers, policymakers, or customers. Now, we will discuss the UX/UI design challenges in developing insurtech software. 

Trust Deficit in Insurtech

Trust Deficit in Insurtech

Insurtech is riddled with jargon and complex procedures which are alien to the common man. Therefore, people regard the institution as transparency deficient due to the intricateness of insurance policies, products and procedures. However, it’s not the end that cannot be rectified. 

Here are some solutions to increase the trust of customers in the UI of insurance software:

  • Transparency should be the main focus point; providing a simple understanding of policies and products and opting for less technical procedures. 
  • All the documents, procedures and policies should be easy to comprehend. 
  • To satisfy the consumers, the company should provide features and facilitation to the consumers that align with their interests, like policy stimulators and video testimonials of previous customers. 

Simplifying Insurance Products

Simplifying Insurance Products

All types of people come to obtain insurance products having varying levels of understanding. Hence, understanding the average proficiency of consumers in the coverage of insurance products, inclusions, exclusions, and multi-layer processes. The solution to this issue will be:

  • The information structure should be user-centric, hierarchical and logically classified. 
  • The content should be personalized and architected systematically. 
  • Interactive features should be reflected in the system, such as FAQs, tooltips, promotions, and glossaries. 
  • There should be inclusion of simple UI features:
    • Immediate policy renewals 
    • Visual graphs, representations of plans, and their comparisons.
    • Vernacular language support 
    • Supportive and efficient payment system 

Balancing AI and Human Touch

Balancing AI and Human Touch

As AI and robotic chatbots have become widespread in software designs, however, Insurtech software with AI-recorded responses can isolate the consumers, leading them to be confused while searching for insurance features and products that align best with their requirements. 

The solution to this problem lies in balancing human and AI chatbots, user support, email options and chats which can give personalized feedback and suggestions to the users in case they feel troubled. 

Designing the Consumer-Centric Software

Although millennials and GenZ are tech-savvy and know their way online on websites and mobile apps. However, various people prefer traditional face-to-face interactions for finalizing something. Most of the insurance software is unable to fix the UI and UX challenges leading to significant challenges.

To improve usability, the software needs to 

  • Updated regularly 
  • Should have a particular target audience (identified and categorized after the in-depth user research)
  • Clear font sizes and characters 
  • Strong color contrasts 
  • Keyboard navigation 
  • Assistance for disabled individuals 
  • Providing data security

Cross-Platform Consistency

Presently, users interact with software through multiple devices, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and iPads. Yet, they find it difficult to access software on multiple devices due to their lack of sync and access. 

Henceforth, the cross-platform compatibility and consistency of Insurtech should be institutionalized, so that customers can easily view the data from any device. 


Developing a compatible and competitive Insurtech software for a digital-first insurance experience requires seamless, personalized, inclusive, transparent, user-friendly and consumer-centric features. Researching the essential challenges and modifying them to increase useability can enable the insurance software to become efficient and progressive.

The post The UX/UI Design Challenges in Developing Insurtech Software for a Digital-First Insurance Experience appeared first on Designveloper.

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10 Key UI/UX Paradigms Redefining User Experience This Year Thu, 17 Oct 2024 01:25:56 +0000 In today’s fast-paced digital world, the role of UI/UX (User Interface and User Experience) design is becoming increasingly pivotal. Your product’s design not only influences aesthetics but shapes how users engage with your platform. With rapidly advancing technology, UI/UX paradigms are continually evolving, compelling businesses to stay agile. Let’s explore the ten key paradigms reshaping … Continue reading "10 Key UI/UX Paradigms Redefining User Experience This Year"

The post 10 Key UI/UX Paradigms Redefining User Experience This Year appeared first on Designveloper.

In today’s fast-paced digital world, the role of UI/UX (User Interface and User Experience) design is becoming increasingly pivotal. Your product’s design not only influences aesthetics but shapes how users engage with your platform. With rapidly advancing technology, UI/UX paradigms are continually evolving, compelling businesses to stay agile. Let’s explore the ten key paradigms reshaping user experience this year.

What is a UI/UX Paradigm?

What is UI/UX paradigm?

Before getting into our list of UI/UX paradigms today, let’s learn the definition of UI/UX paradigms first! A UI/UX paradigm is a set of standards that instruct designers on how to create interfaces or experiences for the users, considering their needs in the end. It focuses on the most important aspects such as:

  • User-Centered Design: A UI/UX paradigm puts users at the heart of the design process. It accordingly tries to understand their demands and pain points to design appropriate products.
  • Usability: It guarantees that the product works properly and is user-friendly.
  • Aesthetics: Users would evaluate the creditability of a website or an app through its overall aesthetics. Therefore, designing a visually pleasing and consistent UI can both retain your end-users and enhance the overall user experience.
  • Accessibility: A good UX/UI design allows you to make products that are suitable even for the handicapped. This entails adhering to the accessibility requirements and making the products friendly to assistive devices.
  • Consistency: A well-designed UI/UX uses consistent visuals like typography, color themes, and interaction patterns. Ensuring consistency throughout your design helps users navigate and understand its functions more easily.
  • Efficiency: A good UI/UX paradigm ensures your product’s optimal performance, page load, and responsiveness. This will lead to a seamless customer experience, enhanced satisfaction, and higher retention.

10 Key UI/UX Paradigms that You Should Know

Paradigm 1: The Rise of Minimalism


Minimalism has transformed from a fleeting design trend into a foundational aspect of effective UI/UX. This paradigm emphasizes a cleaner, straightforward interface, shedding superfluous elements to spotlight essential functionalities. Minimalistic design offers users fewer distractions and eases the completion of tasks, subsequently enhancing user satisfaction and engagement. Amidst the digital chaos, less is increasingly becoming more.

Paradigm 2: Dark Mode Trend

The introduction of dark mode across apps and operating systems marks its acceptance and growing popularity. This paradigm is not merely a stylistic choice but an ergonomically effective one, reducing eye strain in low-light environments and conserving battery on OLED screens. Businesses adopting dark mode are observing higher user retention and engagement rates.

Paradigm 3: Voice User Interface (VUI)

Voice User Interface (VUI)

Voice User Interface (VUI) is rapidly gaining traction, bolstered by the proliferation of smart home devices. Technologies like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant are making everyday tasks more convenient. This paradigm allows for a more natural, intuitive form of interaction and has demonstrated its usefulness in customer service, voice search, and accessibility features.

Paradigm 4: Biometric Authentication

Balancing security and user convenience is a continual struggle, but biometric authentication is emerging as an effective solution. Facial recognition, fingerprint scanning, and other biometric methods are gradually replacing traditional password systems. While enhancing security, these methods expedite the authentication process, improving the overall user experience significantly.

Paradigm 5: Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

Paradigm 5: Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

The incorporation of AR and VR into UI/UX design marks a revolutionary change. These immersive technologies provide new opportunities for user engagement, from virtual product try-ons to interactive 3D advertisements. This paradigm offers a novel, captivating user experience that can transform various industries, from e-commerce to education.

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2. Optimizing UX Design Workflow With PDF Conversion Tools

Paradigm 6: Adaptive and Responsive Design

The emergence of various screen sizes—such as foldable phones and smartwatches—has made adaptive and responsive design essential. One research stated that the global value of responsive web design services will reach $1.12 billion by 2030, after increasing by 6.4% annually from 2024 to 2030. 

This paradigm ensures seamless user interactions across different devices and screen sizes. It not only ensures that your interface is visually appealing but also functionally effective across platforms, elevating user experience and widening your audience reach. 

Understanding the importance of responsiveness, our teams at Designveloper have adopted this UI/UX paradigm across our projects. Here are some challenges we encounter during product development and how we can resolve them:

Spreadsheet Information

  • Difficulty: Optimizing font size and displaying full information on small screens are a big challenge, especially for products with large amounts of data.
  • Solution: We’ll analyze and set some data as key values. This allows these key-value data points to be always prioritized for display on smaller screens. For example, we’ll fix the position of rows or columns containing the key value to ensure that this data will be displayed on the spreadsheet, regardless of screen size. Less important data, meanwhile, will be placed in a scrollable area. This ensures the display of crucial information while keeping the full amount of information.

Display Divided by Tab

  • Difficulty: Many tabs can’t all be displayed at once, especially on small screens. This makes it hard for users to switch between tabs.
  • Solution: If the number of tabs is around 5-7, we’ll use the horizontal scroll solution for smaller screens. But if the number of tabs exceeds this threshold, we often leverage dropdown or accordion options. This time, optimizing the display space for each tab and switching between tabs become easier on mobile devices.

Calendar & Events

  • Difficulty: Displaying event details on small screens is challenging, especially when there are too many events. This limits the full display of these events within data boxes.
  • Solution: On mobile devices, we’ll use modal full screens to display the event list or event details. This time, the display space will become larger, ensuring that touch and swipe interactions are no longer limited to date frames on the calendar.

Paradigm 7: Emphasis on Accessibility

Accessibility has moved from being an afterthought to a primary consideration in UI/UX design. This paradigm revolves around creating interfaces accessible to people with disabilities, adhering to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Implementing accessibility features not only broadens your user base but also enhances your brand’s social responsibility.

Paradigm 8: AI and Machine Learning in UI/UX

Paradigm 8: AI and Machine Learning in UI/UX

AI and machine learning technologies are no longer mere buzzwords but are integral to modern UI/UX design. Chatbots, personalized content, and predictive algorithms are transforming the way users interact with platforms. This paradigm employs data analytics to adapt and predict user behavior, resulting in an individualized and intuitive user experience.

Paradigm 9: Mobile-First Design

As the name states, this paradigm focuses on customer experience on mobile devices instead of beginning with a desktop-based design and then adapting it for smaller screens. Indeed, as of early 2024, global users spent roughly 57% of their time accessing the Internet via mobile phones. Therefore, investing in mobile-first design is becoming a modern trend to catch up with people’s growing mobile usage. 

By designing for mobile experiences first and then adapting to larger screens, you can remove unnecessary elements and focus on crucial features to create an intuitive mobile experience. For this paradigm, design easy-to-navigate interfaces that optimize touch gestures (e.g., swiping) and ensure fast load times with seamless interactions. As mobile devices have different screen sizes, testing your design on different mobile phones is crucial to avoid compatibility and performance issues.

Paradigm 10: Microinteractions

This paradigm refers to using small, subtle animations within user interfaces. These animations can be simple transitions or complex visual effects. They can make interfaces more engaging and dynamic, hence offering a more enjoyable user experience. Unique micro animations can even help your brand stand out and leave users with a memorable impression. 

Despite their immense benefits, microanimations can cause a counteracting effect if they’re overwhelming or distracting. So, keep them as subtle as possible and use them purposefully. Further, you should ensure consistent animations throughout the interface to generate a cohesive experience. Also, test and iterate your microanimations with real users to evaluate whether they’re effective and adversely affect user experiences.


The year ahead stands as a critical juncture in the development of UI/UX design paradigms. The incorporation of minimalism, dark mode, VUI, biometric authentication, AR/VR, adaptive and responsive design, accessibility, AI, microanimations, and mobile-first concepts into the UI/UX strategies is elevating the stakes for businesses striving for an exceptional user experience. To thrive in this evolving landscape, focusing on these key paradigms is not merely wise—it is indispensable.

If you’re committed to staying ahead of the curve in this digital evolution, investing in cutting-edge UI/UX design is non-negotiable. The landscape is rapidly shifting, making adaptation imperative. In case you want to outsource the design process and create an immersive, modern design that fits your specific needs, contact us and discuss your idea! Our experienced designers are here to bring your idea to life!

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How to Design Effective User Onboarding Experiences for Mobile Applications Mon, 30 Sep 2024 06:58:46 +0000 How do you build user onboarding experiences for your users from scratch? It’s not just about thinking of a good idea and turning it into a downloadable mobile app. The process takes time and requires many different elements. To design an effective experience for the user, you need to think of everything. There’s the matter … Continue reading "How to Design Effective User Onboarding Experiences for Mobile Applications"

The post How to Design Effective User Onboarding Experiences for Mobile Applications appeared first on Designveloper.

How do you build user onboarding experiences for your users from scratch? It’s not just about thinking of a good idea and turning it into a downloadable mobile app. The process takes time and requires many different elements.

To design an effective experience for the user, you need to think of everything. There’s the matter of how your app looks and what function it serves. But, there’s also the matter of how they find it, download it, how to sign up and use it, etc. 

The app design should be focused greatly on optimizing the onboarding experience of mobile users. In this article, you’ll learn why this is important and more importantly – how to make it happen. 

Why User Onboarding Experiences for Mobile Apps Important

Crucial user onboarding experiences define mobile apps. User retention may greatly increase with a well-organized onboarding process. Within 24 hours a weak onboarding experience can allow about 75% of users to leave the app. This underscores that a properly designed onboarding workflow is essential.

Why App Onboarding Design Is Important?

An impressive user onboarding strategy will enhance user engagement. Apps that execute well during onboarding experience notice a 50% rise in user retention. After their first time using the app users are more inclined to keep using it. 64% of firms incorporate in-app videos to help users through onboarding. Users gain insight into the app with this method and have a simplified understanding of its features.

User onboarding experiences that work well can be illustrated through apps such as Duolingo and Slack. The ‘applying what you know’ strategy from Duolingo attracts users right away. Slack introduces helpful assistants and vacant screens to teach users. These cases illustrate the use of distinct approaches to enhance user onboarding.

The revenue of an app depends greatly on user onboarding experiences. Those apps that retain users well usually produce greater income. With high levels of engagement customers choose to buy products 90% more often and allocate 60% more per transaction. A solid onboarding strategy may result in major financial advantages.

Mobile apps require user onboarding experiences to succeed. They aid in boosting user stickiness and interaction while also boosting financial revenue. Using powerful onboarding approaches enables app creators to build a strong initial connection and ensure enduring success.

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Actionable Tips for Better Onboarding Design for Your App

Now that you know why this is important, an ever trickier question arises: how do you optimize your onboarding design? Here are some great tips:

1. Use a smart tool for optimizing user onboarding experiences

Sadly, there’s no definite recipe for good onboarding design. After all, not all apps have the same target audience or the same purpose. Even within a single product category, the user personas can differ, and the design can require subtle changes to appeal to them. 

Use a smart tool for optimizing user onboarding experiences
Use a smart tool for optimizing user onboarding experiences

Every user onboarding experience is – and should be – different. 

To make sure that yours is optimized and follows the best practices and examples, you should consider a smart tool for improved user onboarding experiences. Yes, such a thing exists and it can do wonders for your application.

With features like personalized welcome flows and targeted checklists, your app will guide new users to the infamous “aha” moment. Tooltips, slideouts, and hotspots will help you drive awareness of new features and encourage users to try something new.

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2. Choose a smart app design software

There’s another tool that you need in your arsenal if you want to make the onboarding design more effective, as well as make the entire development process simpler. With a small investment, you can create a mobile app with the top tools for app design. Good software tools of this kind will give you the right examples and features to use to optimize your app. 

Good software tools of this kind will give you the right examples and features to use to optimize your app

With a smart design software platform, designers can create smarter interfaces, therefore facilitating the use of the app for those that download it. Consider investing in tools like Mockplus or Marvel for the quick creation of prototypes and wireframes. 

3. Segment your app users

The entire idea of app onboarding is to show the person using it some value. How can you do this if you do not know who the person is and what they are looking for?

Apps usually have diverse users, so the same approach cannot work for all. Some of the values you offer might not interest an entire group of users, which is a group that you’ll lose in the process.

Segment your app users
Segment your app users

This is why your app onboarding needs to have segmentation in mind. The idea is to segment your users by ‘jobs to be done’ i.e. the thing they want to accomplish by using your app. 

There might be many segments of your audience, but keep in mind that you’ll need to personalize the experience for each of those groupings. With some effort, time, and the right set of tools, you can ensure that your app offers what every user needs based on their preferences and needs. 

Generally speaking, there are three forms of mobile app onboarding based on the objective:

  • Progressive. If you use this form, users can progressively navigate through your app. It’s basically a step-by-step process with a CTA in the end. LinkedIn’s app is a great example of this:
  • Function-oriented. This approach explains how the app operates to the users and is mostly focused on functionality. Here is a fine example of this by Evernote:
Here is a fine example of this by Evernote User Onboarding Experiences
  • Benefits-oriented. Lastly, this approach shows the benefits of your app i.e. the value you offer to users. The goal here is to boost conversions and tell what the app does without elaborating on it. Amazon uses this approach here:
Amazon uses this approach here
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4. Gamify the onboarding process on your app

Humans learn best through play, and we aren’t just talking about children. This is why gamification is effective – it offers the users information through entertainment, which helps them understand and memorize things more effectively.

This doesn’t mean that you should turn your serious app into a game, but that you should insert some game-like principles into it. Some degree of gamification is perfect for app onboarding. 

For example, you can use elements like points and badges to praise the progress of users and encourage them to keep going. You can add a progress bar to your onboarding screen to show them how much more they have to complete the onboarding process, as well as motivate them to continue.

Duolingo is a great example of this:

Duolingo is a great example of User Onboarding Experiences

5. Grab the user’s attention with modals

Modals often take a big part of the screen and include eye-catching graphics and engaging CTAs. These are a great way to guide the person that downloaded your app through the onboarding process, offer them something new, or prompt them to take a particular action. Take a look at this example:

spotify User Onboarding Experiences

Due to their nature, modals are considered rather intrusive and disruptive, so you shouldn’t use them excessively. The idea is to insert one or two of them and combine them with an X button to give the users a chance to close the modal.

6. Test continuously

Chances are, your app will be abandoned and uninstalled many times until you get it right. Even if you invest a lot and go through all the steps, it is easy to miss out on something. This is why research is key to success when you’re designing. It helps you detect the mistakes and shows you the new trends and expectations of users – because let’s face it, they change all the time!

If you want to optimize your user experience on the app and keep it that way, test frequently. Do A/B testing, send out surveys to your users, and conduct deep user research to figure out what works at the moment.

7. Take your time

We’ll let you in on a big secret: app development takes time for even the most experienced developers. It can take a long time to make an app that works, so roll up your sleeves and prepare to get some challenging work done. Here’s an overview of the app development timeline:

  • Planning stage: 2 to 3 weeks
  • Business analysis stage: 2 to 3 weeks
  • Design and pre-development stage: 5 to 7 weeks
  • UX design stage: 3 to 4 weeks
  • Development stage: 8 to 10 weeks
  • Back-end/ front-end development stage: 6 to 8 weeks each
  • Testing, finalization, and launch: 2 to 3 weeks
  • Post-launch stage: 2 weeks

As you can see, creating an app is not that easy. Since it requires work even after you go through these stages, this makes it a challenging endeavor. 


Establishing remarkable user onboarding experiences in mobile apps significantly influences user satisfaction and retention. New data indicates that 63% of users evaluate the onboarding process before opting into a service. Additionally about 74% of possible clients might select an alternative if the signing up process is difficult. These data points stress the necessity for an uninterrupted and thrilling onboarding journey.

We have a proven track record of creating user-centric onboarding methods. Our project Lumin connects with cloud storage services so users can easily view and edit PDFs. This project shows how well we can craft simple and effective user onboarding processes.

Additionally, the healthcare platform ODC we developed lets clients make appointments and request medication through a browser while allowing doctors to organize their documents and prescriptions. Here we demonstrate how our platform effectively develops detailed onboarding processes for both users and service staff.

To validate our claims we point to the UserGuiding report and the Akita report detailing customer onboarding statistics and trends. The insights contained in these reports reveal the recent practices and trends in user onboarding.

Mobile applications depend heavily on tailored user onboarding practices. Your users will receive a seamless and enjoyable journey because Designveloper consistently delivers top-notch onboarding solutions. Count on us to facilitate an onboarding process that exceeds the standards set by your users.

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How to Make Remote Working Easier for Designers: 5 Key Tips Wed, 25 Sep 2024 16:16:10 +0000 The extensive use of digital tools in design makes remote working for designers more feasible than in many other fields. Still, some designers who swapped their dynamic office environments for the comforts of their homes may need time and guidance to get their bearings. This guide will provide the latter in five easy steps! 5 … Continue reading "How to Make Remote Working Easier for Designers: 5 Key Tips"

The post How to Make Remote Working Easier for Designers: 5 Key Tips appeared first on Designveloper.

The extensive use of digital tools in design makes remote working for designers more feasible than in many other fields. Still, some designers who swapped their dynamic office environments for the comforts of their homes may need time and guidance to get their bearings. This guide will provide the latter in five easy steps!

5 Key Tips for Remote Working Designers

5 Key Tips for Remote Working Designers

1. Have a Dedicated Workspace

A beginner mistake many remote designers make is not setting up a dedicated workspace. Frequently switching your working area from the couch to your bedroom to a coffee shop isn’t a good idea since it makes it harder to distinguish the productive part of your day from rest and family time.

Have a Dedicated Workspace

Having a nook with a comfy chair, dedicated space for your computer and graphics tablet, and access to fresh air and sunlight will boost your productivity. Plus, you can step away and plop down on the couch once you’re done for the day.

2. Plan out Your Time

Merely being at the office imposes a structure, even when a particular day is slow. Shifting from your bed to your workspace – possibly without changing out of your pajamas – can make it seem like you don’t need to approach tasks as rigorously. Conversely, some designers may actually work more and disregard breaks without the constant distractions of the office.

Plan out Your Time

As neither is healthy, you should outline a routine and stick to it. Designate working hours, breaks, and leisure time while leaving some wiggle room for the needs of your family and pets. You’ll want to set your availability with clients and colleagues – particularly if your time zones differ – to ensure everyone’s on the same page and minimize interventions during free time.

3. Secure Your Work

Whether you’re a freelancer or still part of an in-house team, remote work comes with additional security challenges. On the one hand, you have to back your files up and enforce network security yourself, either by using eSIMs or a VPN. On the other hand, you’re also responsible for maintaining safe access to communication and collaboration platforms, online design tools, email, and all other services in a digitally reliant field like design needs.

Secure Your Work

It can be hard to maintain adequate security for dozens of accounts, and it’s tempting to use easy-to-remember or similar passwords for all of them without the IT department looking over your shoulder. That only leads to increased data breach risks, putting your personal information – not to mention client and sensitive company data – at risk.

Make a password manager app an integral part of your designer toolkit to combat this. The manager can instantly generate long and complex passwords for any account and provide additional protection via two-factor authentication. This makes account breaches far less likely and contains the damage to a single account even if something does happen. You can also use password managers to securely log in from any synced device or temporarily share credentials with other team members.

4. Maintain Communication with Your Team

Design professionals rely on collaboration, which can be challenging when you’re not bouncing ideas off each other in the office or in real-time. Maintaining communication via online messaging tools and video calls is essential for the iterative process, giving and receiving feedback, and remaining up to date on everyone’s progress.

Maintain Communication with Your Team

Some designers take the “remote” in remote work seriously, dreaming up new ideas inspired by views from a downtown café or embracing the digital nomad lifestyle. With no home Ethernet to rely on, they risk using public Wi-Fi and exposing themselves, their projects, and other confidential information to anyone who might be monitoring such networks.

Rather than take the risk, it’s a better idea to use much more secure mobile data. Using an eSIM for travel is the optimal choice, especially for designers who have never been in one country for too long. They let you change carriers without having to bother with physical SIMs, ensuring you always have access to affordable, reliable, and secure internet.

5. Actively Network & Look for Inspiration

By being away from your team, you’re cut off from a vital source of inspiration. After all, everyone’s always working on something, sharing ideas, or discussing the finer points of design. Make a habit of dedicating a small part of each day to looking for and appreciating sources of inspiration, be that a Pinterest board, something you saw in nature, or a spirited discussion on social media.

Actively Network & Look for Inspiration

Keep up with your colleagues via casual virtual meetings or chat channels dedicated to brainstorming and freely expressing creativity. You may also benefit from connecting with designers who’ve been remote for a while and joining local or online designer organizations with shared interests and networking opportunities.


In conclusion, as a member of Designveloper, I encourage you to embrace the remote working experience fully. Set up a dedicated workspace to create a clear boundary between work and relaxation. Plan your time wisely to maintain a healthy work-life balance, and don’t forget to prioritize security for your projects and client data.

Communication with your team is vital—stay connected through messaging and video calls to foster collaboration and creativity. Lastly, make it a habit to seek inspiration regularly, whether from online resources or casual conversations with colleagues. By following these tips, you can thrive in your remote role and continue to create exceptional designs at Designveloper. Remember, adaptability and intentionality are key to your success!

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How to Make Your Own Website With 10 Effective Website Builders Thu, 29 Aug 2024 06:09:19 +0000 Having a web presence is not a luxury but a necessity in today’s world that is connected through the internet. It is a common question that people and companies ask themselves: how to make your own website? The purpose of this article from Designveloper is to help you navigate through the process, pay attention to … Continue reading "How to Make Your Own Website With 10 Effective Website Builders"

The post How to Make Your Own Website With 10 Effective Website Builders appeared first on Designveloper.

Having a web presence is not a luxury but a necessity in today’s world that is connected through the internet. It is a common question that people and companies ask themselves: how to make your own website? The purpose of this article from Designveloper is to help you navigate through the process, pay attention to ten of the best website builders that can help you start your journey online.

In this article, you will find out the most recent data and information regarding web building so that you can have a good grasp of the topic. Every point will be supported by reliable reports and data so that you will have the most relevant and recent information at your disposal.

In the course of the article, we will give examples of how each website builder works and what results can be achieved. The above examples will help you to understand what you can do when you have the knowledge on how to create your own website.

Choosing the Right Types of Your Websites

types of websites

Every website out there has a purpose and a function. Understanding the different types of web pages you create will help you determine the best strategy for each project. For instance, if you’re a blogger, you don’t have to create several websites for each post. You can use the same template, just change the text around.

1. Landing page website

A landing page is your physical representation of your website. In a nutshell, it is a website that a person downloads when they first land on your site. A lot of marketers and business owners write off landing pages as “junk,” but, in reality, landing pages are a great way to convert visitors and get them to your website or to fill out a form. To find the right type for your business, your landing page will need to be: 

  • Easy to navigate 
  • Convenient to use 
  • Make your visitor feel like they’re doing something important
  • You should also look for landing page typography to ensure your visitors don’t need to read the entire page.

2. Magazine website

This is probably the most famous type of website. Similar to a traditional magazine, this is a digital publication that contains an assortment of articles and videos. These websites are perfect for lifestyle and business purposes, as they cover a wide variety of content. They are a great platform to share links, articles, and images with friends and family. What is a bulletin board? Bibliography websites are essentially web versions of the catalogs you can find in brick-and-mortar stores. While catalogs typically focus on a particular industry or hobby, bibliographic websites focus on topics like culture, history, health, and economics. By browsing different bibliographic websites, you can discover everything from top designers to must-read blogs and journals.

3. eCommerce website

e-commerce website

Recommended reading: 10 Best eCommerce Website Design Services for Success

An e-commerce website helps you sell products and offers a web store. It’s a fantastic way to expand your customer base. It’s also easy to set up and most will give you full control over your products. Ecommerce sites are also used to sell services, events, and products. 

It helps customers buy your products through a secure online purchase process. If your e-commerce site is easy to use, then you’ll be selling a lot of products. 

How to set one up? There are three main ways to set up an online store. You can set up your site on your own, using a custom development company, or by enlisting the services of a web store designer. You’ll find web store designers in any local business center.

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4. Blog website

A blog website is essentially a blog that covers a variety of topics. Although the blog can cover a variety of topics, the content is usually one or two posts per month. In the early days of blogging, the format was to post an item for each day, but now the posts are published in a monthly or weekly format, making the format less engaging. Blogs are not something that anyone new to the industry would have to learn, as their readers would already know the format, but the next step in branding is to tell a story, and to this end, a blog is not an option. A story-telling website is one of the most important features of any website. To attract the right traffic, a story-telling website should have the right picture, text, and design.

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5. Portfolio website

website portfolio
You should create your website portfolio

The most common form of website is the portfolio site, which is a digital portfolio that includes an overview of all your available work or a list of services provided. For example, if you’re a web designer, you might want to list your website design skills on your portfolio page, even if you’re only offering graphic design services on the side. This format can often also include links to your portfolio of websites and some form of advertising. Sometimes people will go as far as to build a portfolio website, with the intention of seeing how many people link to it. They may find that most visitors link to the portfolio of the most popular website, not their own. 

6. Business website

For businesses, the form of a website can vary greatly. What’s more, it also depends on the industry. Your business, company, or product could be whatever it is you sell. You could be a small family business trying to be the go-to spot in the marketplace. Or, it could be an organization like the Chamber of Commerce or a franchise like Ikea or Pizza Hut. Therefore, a business website is a list of links, which can also be called pages or pages and sections. These are called websites or the desktop version of their page. It can also be called a website or a websites page. A website can also be made up of different pages. It will most likely contain sections of the website – the home, contact, product, blog, e-commerce, or another component.

7. Social media website

social media website

A social media website is a website that can be used by a business to interact with customers. Businesses can be on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and other social media sites. The advantage of social media websites is that they are user-friendly and inexpensive. Most sites allow businesses to set up specific profiles that only a certain group of people will see. This makes your profiles more manageable and specific. That said, it is still important to be on all the social media websites you can. You can gain fans and customers through social media websites. 

How to create a social media website? Creating a social media website takes more effort than many people think. There are many moving pieces to a successful social media website.

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When do You need to Create a Free Website?

Free website creation can be crucial for a number of purposes. A frequently asked question that people and small businesses have is how to create a website. Below are some specific scenarios when you might need to create a free website.

Starting a New Business

New businesses require an online presence. A report shows that 97% of consumers use the internet to look for nearby businesses. Having a free website can be advantageous in that you can get the word out to potential customers without having to spend a lot of money.

Showcasing Your Portfolio

Freelancers and creative people require a place where they can showcase their portfolios. A free website builder is useful in the creation of an appealing portfolio for the client. For instance, photographers can use Wix or Weebly to post their best pictures of different events or products.


If you have interest in writing then you can start a blog with a free website. Research shows that businesses that blog receive 55% more traffic to their websites. This statistic gives an indication of the potential of a well maintained blog.

Learning and Experimenting

Newcomers in web development can use free website builders for practice and to start with. Platforms like WordPress. com provide an opportunity to build websites in a trial mode and it does not cost anything.

Non-Profit Organizations

Non-profit organisations are usually financially constrained. A free website can assist them in delivering their message and getting to the donors. For instance, Google Sites can be employed in developing informative and interesting websites for non-profit organizations.

Event Promotion

Organizing an event? It is possible to create a website where all the information regarding the event is published for free. Event organizers can use Eventbrite to build a website with information about the event, registration forms, and others.

Personal Branding

Free website is useful for people who would like to create their own brand. Forbes has it that personal branding is essential in the current world. A good website design will assist you in making a niche in your area of specialization.

Educational Purposes

Teachers and educators can use free website to share their resources and information with the students. Google Classroom for instance works well with free website creators to make the development of education content easier.

Community Projects

Some of the common areas that community groups can take advantage of free websites include. For instance, a local sports team may create a free website where they post the team’s schedule, the results of the games and other related information that may be of interest to the team members and its supporters.

Temporary Projects

At other times, you require a website for a temporary purpose or for a specific event. Free website builders are ideal for creating websites that are not necessarily going to be permanent and therefore you do not have to spend any money on them.

Recommended reading: 24 Things to Consider When Designing and Developing a Website

Top 10 Website Builders for Making Your Own Website

Building a website is now easier than ever. Thanks to the website builders, it is possible to create a really good-looking website even if you don’t have any coding experience.

1. Wix


Wix is one of the most well-known website creation platforms. Currently, it is being used by more than 258 million users across the globe. This platform is available in 190 countries. It dominates the website builder market with a market share of almost 45% in 2024.

Wix is one of the platforms that provide a drag-and-drop feature. It also makes it easy for beginners to develop websites. There are more than 800 design templates available for the users. These templates can be adjusted according to the requirements of different users.

Wix has integrated SEO tools. These tools assist in enhancing the site’s visibility in the search engine listing. Users can also connect with more than 300 outside applications. This makes it possible to come up with additional functionalities such as online calendar and event reservation.

Wix is perfect for small business owners. It has relatively cheap plans with the cheapest plan going for as low as $16 per month. There is also a free version of the application with fewer options available to the users.

Wix has some limitations. Users are limited in their ability to modify templates after the site has been published. All plans have also storage limits. However, these are some of the drawbacks that Wix has despite the fact that it is still popular among many people.

2. Weebly


Weebly is one of the most well-known website builders, which is easy to use and relatively cheap. It is perfect for newbies who have no idea about coding and would want to build their own website. The platform has a simple drag and drop feature that allows one to build a good looking website in a short span of time.

Weebly’s pricing is competitive. It has a free plan and paid plans starting from $10 per month if paid yearly. This makes it an ideal option for those who are working to a fixed budget. Also, Weebly offers free hosting with unlimited storage and bandwidth for most of the plans it offers.

It also has e-commerce features which are also worth mentioning about Weebly. Customers are able to sell as many products as they want, automatically generate shipping labels, and send emails to customers who left their carts behind. This makes it a great choice for small businesses that want to create an online store.

However, there are some drawbacks for using Weebly. It has old-fashioned templates, and there is no possibility to customize it to the maximum. This can be a disadvantage for users who would wish to have more control over the looks of their site. In addition, Weebly lacks adequate marketing features that can help a business grow, which is a disadvantage.

3. WordPress


WordPress is a well known and highly effective website creation tool. Currently, it runs more than 43% of all the websites on the internet, and therefore it is the most popular CMS in the world.

WordPress has a lot of flexibility when it comes to its use. There are more than 9,000 free themes and 60,000 free plugins available to the users. This flexibility enables the users to design websites that are both personalized and meaningful.

Some of the big companies that have adopted WordPress for their websites are Sony Music, Time Magazine, Disney Books among others. These examples demonstrate the ability of the platform to work with high traffic websites.

WordPress is also user-friendly. It is easy to create professional websites even for those who do not know how to code. This is made easier by the platform’s drag-and-drop editors and the templates that are already provided.

Security is a very important factor in WordPress. However, it was found that more than 90% of hacked CMS websites in 2022 are using WordPress. This brings out the need to use security plugins such as Wordfence and Sucuri in the running of websites.

4. Squarespace


Squarespace is an example of website builders that are famous for their clean and modern layouts and easy to use platform. It is the second most used website builder in the world. To date, Squarespace is home to over 4.6 million unique subscriptions, which is 7% more than in the previous year. Currently, Squarespace is available in more than 200 countries and territories.

Squarespace generated $1.01 billion in revenue in 2023, up by 12% from 2022. Subscription is the major source of the platform’s revenue, contributing to 92% of the total revenue. Squarespace is the most used website builder in the United States, it accounts for 71.8% of the market share.

Another important aspect of Squarespace is a vast choice of templates available for use by the users. The software allows the users to select from different templates to make a good looking website. For instance, a small business owner can apply the “Brine” template for presenting his or her products and services. It also has integrated SEO features that enable the users to improve the ranking of their website on the search engines.

Another strength of Squarespace is the e-commerce facilities that it offers. It is a marketplace for creating online shops and selling products and services with the help of an inventory system. For the year 2023, the commerce revenue increased by 14% from the previous year and was equal to $75.5 million, which proves that the platform is highly effective in the sphere of e-commerce.

5. Strikingly


Strikingly is a very simple website builder, which is great for novices. The platform comes equipped with a drag and drop editor which makes it possible to design a website without the use of code.

Of course, Strikingly has a free version, and paid plans start at $8/month if you pay annually. This makes it affordable for small businesses to be involved in the supply of the products to the market. All plans come with e-commerce functionality, meaning that users can sell products online even with the basic plan which is free.

Strikingly’s templates are sleek, stylish, and optimized for mobile, so a website will look good on any device. Annual plans are also available with the first year of the domain being free of charge on the platform.

Another great feature is the Simple Store that enables the user to integrate e-commerce into their websites. Customers can use coupons, select the shipping method and payment methods, and this makes it easy to run an online store.

Website analytics are also provided by Strikingly to enable users monitor their website’s performance. It has components such as Simple Blog, social networking integration, and contact forms that assist the users in engaging their audience.

6. GoDaddy


GoDaddy is one of the web hosting services that can be recommended for beginners who are going to build their own website. It provides web hosting services and an editor to design a website at the same place. The platform has been described as simple to use and cheap.

GoDaddy’s site builder is simple and easy to use and is ideal for novices. The platform includes a simple drag-and-drop editor and more than 100 of mobile-friendly templates. It is easy to create a website with GoDaddy’s help because after answering several questions, the Artificial Design Intelligence (ADI) will create an initial site design for the user to work on, and the user does not have to know how to code.

It also has integrated marketing tools which assist the users to promote their websites on the search engines and get traffic to the site. GoDaddy has a basic plan that is free of charge, thus suitable for those with a small amount of capital to invest. However, the free version comes with a GoDaddy logo on your site and domain.

The GoDaddy’s pricing plans are from free to $29.99 per month, and there is a free trial of 30 days to allow the users to explore the features of the platform. This makes GoDaddy one of the most affordable website builders for those who are still learning how to design their own site.

Another advantage of GoDaddy is that it offers customer support services that are available for round-the-clock phone and live chat. This makes it possible to have help whenever one feels like they need it.

Nevertheless, GoDaddy has some drawbacks. It has limited site design customization and e-commerce and some of the add-ons may be costly to some users.

7. LeadPages


LeadPages is a very useful tool for creating high conversion rate websites. Originally, it was a landing page builder but now it is an all-in-one website builder aimed at assisting users in creating websites that sell.

LeadPages has a number of features such as landing pages, templates, conversion tools and optimization tools. It also includes an AI generator and blogging tools and enables users to build and edit the whole website, including all the pages, pop-ups, forms, and blog entries.

The most prominent feature of LeadPages is the templates that are created to capture the visitors’ attention and turn them into leads. LeadPages also stated that its templates can convert up to five times more than the industry standard for conversion rates, according to conversion data that has been collected over the last ten years.

LeadPages also has a drag-and-drop feature that enables users to build their templates without any difficulty. It is very easy to use and one does not need to have knowledge in coding to be able to edit the text, images and other elements.

Another important component is the conversion toolkit, which is opt-in forms, pop-ups, and alert bars. All these tools assist the users in generating leads and making sales. Further, sites created with LeadPages take 2.4 seconds quicker and have a performance that is 30% above the average.

LeadPages also has integrated SEO settings that can be used to enhance the website’s ranking on the search engine. This involves the use of meta descriptions and image optimizations in order to enhance the site visibility and increase traffic.

8. Oxygen


Oxygen is a great plugin for WordPress that enables the user to build whole websites from scratch without coding. Unlike other builders, it switches off the WordPress theme, which means that the users will be able to manage the look of the site on their own. This feature is perfect for those individuals who want to have full control over all aspects of their site.

Oxygen is also famous for its clean code output that is important for the fast work of the website and its SEO. Specifically, Oxygen has clean code that makes it to load faster and also to be easily ranked by the search engines.

The builder provides a great deal of flexibility, which means that the user can create headers, footers, and WooCommerce stores. It also supports integration with Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) that helps in creating dynamic content. Due to this flexibility, it is popular among developers.

However, Oxygen has a relatively high learning curve and therefore, the new users might find it hard to work with. However, once one gets a grip of it, it provides the best design tools that one can ever imagine. Even for beginners, a step by step tutorial of how to go about it can be of great help.

Oxygen’s pricing is reasonable, which is $99-$169 for a lifetime license, which is suitable for long-term projects. Also, the builder often provides cut-price deals, which make it even cheaper than it already is.

9. Webflow


Webflow is an amazing website creation tool that can be used to create websites with a lot of customization. It is suitable for anyone who would wish to design a website from scratch without having to code. Webflow offers a free plan with limited features and paid plans starting from $14 per month, which is perfect for everyone.

Webflow can be seen as having a highly customizable design toolset. It is also flexible for users to implement parallax scrolling and animations and thus is suitable for designers who want complete control over the look of their site.

Webflow has many benefits and one of them is a no-code site editor that enables users to build their websites without coding skills. Also, Webflow has features that enable it to support e-commerce, thus making it ideal for use in online stores. It has no transaction fee on some of the plans, which is an advantage for the e-commerce business.

Webflow also offers a number of templates for those who want to start with the platform as soon as possible. Currently, there are more than 400 templates which can be used for different industries and personal design preferences. This makes it possible for the users to search for a template that they desire and have it in their preferred format.

For the users who require additional functionality, Webflow has an option of using custom code. This makes it possible for users to be able to incorporate their own functions in their websites, making it a useful tool for developers. Webflow offers its e-commerce plans starting at $42 up to $235 per month to cater to all sizes of businesses.

10. Shopify


If you are planning to build an online store, then Shopify is the best option you can think of. It powers over 6.4 million websites worldwide and is famous for its powerful sales tools and simplicity.

Shopify has different pricing plans for its services with the basic plan starting at $29 per month. Some of the features include multichannel integration and customizable checkout which makes it suitable for all types of businesses.

Shopify also has a unique feature known as Shopify Magic which is an AI-based tool that assists in text generation, product descriptions, and email marketing to ensure that businesses come up with relevant content.

Shopify also gives its users access to more than 8000 apps. These apps enable users to extend the functionality of their sites, for instance, to sell products via social media or improve their site’s ranking on search engines.

Nevertheless, there are certain disadvantages of using Shopify. It is very much dependent on third party applications to enhance what is already provided by the application. Also, it can be costly, and there are only a few free templates that one can use.

However, these are the disadvantages of using Shopify to create an online store. Due to the fact that it has all the necessary tools and is easy to use, it is ideal for those who want to create their own website.


In conclusion, it is quite important to know how to create your own website with the help of a suitable website builder to enhance the potential of individuals and companies. With the help of the tools and resources that are available, it is possible to come up with a professional website even if one has no technical knowledge on the same. To get more specific information and statistics, please turn to the most recent reports from the industry bigwigs.

The post How to Make Your Own Website With 10 Effective Website Builders appeared first on Designveloper.

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All You Need to Know About Web Navigation Examples Fri, 16 Aug 2024 08:39:34 +0000 Have you ever wondered how visitors can find information they need on your website? It’s all thanks to web navigation. If you want to create a badass website, navigation is certainly one of the most important aspects you should consider first. Here, in this article, we’ll elaborate on common pitfalls, best practices, and web navigation … Continue reading "All You Need to Know About Web Navigation Examples"

The post All You Need to Know About Web Navigation Examples appeared first on Designveloper.

Have you ever wondered how visitors can find information they need on your website? It’s all thanks to web navigation. If you want to create a badass website, navigation is certainly one of the most important aspects you should consider first. Here, in this article, we’ll elaborate on common pitfalls, best practices, and web navigation examples you need to focus on. Now, let’s get started!

Understand Web Navigation

Web navigation is the system that allows users to move around a website. It guides visitors from one page to another.

When you look at the top of our website, for example, you’ll see how our website’s navigation works. We navigate our potential clients through separate sections, including Services, Projects, Company, and Contact Us. This helps visitors find the information they need quickly, whether our past work or knowledge bases.

Designveloper - web nevigation example

Good web navigation is simple and intuitive. It makes the user experience smooth and enjoyable. If visitors can’t find what they’re looking for, they may leave the website. That’s why web navigation is crucial. It keeps users engaged and helps them stay on the site longer. Well-designed navigation can also improve search engine ranking. When search engines can easily crawl a site, it benefits SEO.

5 Types of Web Navigation & Examples

Web navigation comes into five key categories. They include:

Horizontal Navigation Bar

This is a common type of web navigation. It’s usually placed at the top of the website. The links are arranged in a single row. This type of navigation is simple and easy to use. Visitors can see all the main sections of the site at a glance. It works well for websites with a few main categories. Many websites, from blogs to eCommerce, use horizontal navigation bars.

Here’s a typical web navigation example of this type:

Asos - Horizontal Navigation Menu

Dropdown Navigation Menu

A dropdown navigation menu expands when a user hovers or clicks on a menu item. This type of navigation is useful for websites with many categories. It allows your site to stay clean and organized. Dropdown menus provide a clear hierarchy of content. Visitors can see subcategories without cluttering the main navigation bar. They’re popular on eCommerce and large websites with multiple sections.

Below is a typical example of this web navigation type:

Tesla - Dropdown Navigation

Hamburger Navigation Menu

This is a compact navigation style. It’s represented by three horizontal lines, resembling a hamburger. When users click on the icon, a menu slides out or drops down. This type of navigation is often used on mobile websites. It saves space and keeps the design minimal. It’s also becoming more common on desktop sites. However, visitors must know to click the icon to see the menu. This could be a drawback if the design isn’t intuitive.

Let’s take a look at an excellent example of this type:

Bertani - Hamburger Navigation Example for Website

Vertical Sidebar Navigation Menu

This type of web navigation runs along the side of the page. It provides a clear list of links to different sections of the site. A vertical sidebar navigation menu are useful for content-heavy websites. It allows visitors to see all the options without scrolling back to the top. Normally, you can find vertical menus in blogs, forums, and sites with lots of categories. They can also stay fixed as users scroll. This offers easy access to navigation at all times.

Let’s see how Darina used the vertical menu in her portfolio website:

Darina CG Artist - Vertical Sidebar Menu

This navigation menu is placed at the bottom of the website. It often contains links to less prominent pages. In other words, it’s a good place for links that users may need but not require immediate access to. These links might include privacy policies, terms of service, and contact pages. For this reason, footer navigation helps keep the top navigation bar clean and uncluttered. Further, many websites use footer menus as

The New York Times is a typical example for this navigation type. Apart from its top menu, it also provides a footer menu as a secondary navigation tool. It offers a final chance to guide users before they leave the site.

The New York Times - Footer Navigation

How to Choose the Best Website Navigation: Designveloper’s Insights

Web navigation proves useful for your website. However, choosing the wrong website navigation makes your websites fail. Especially when the global market for website design is forecast to expand at a CAGR of 8.7% from 2024 to 2031, the demand for appealing yet suitable web navigation is increasing accordingly. So, how can you evaluate and choose the most suitable website navigation for your website project? Here’s what we at Designveloper often do:

First, we set clear goals for a website, including:

  • Target Audience: Consider the user’s persona, such as their personality, age, gender, etc., and build a persona that matches the website.
  • Complexity of Features: Evaluate the complexity of the features included in the website.
  • Key Features: Identify the standout features that we want to highlight to users.
  • User Experience (UX): Ensure a consistent user experience across all sections of the website.

Based on these factors, we can determine the direction for development and expansion, along with specific UI decisions, particularly related to navigation to fit the project.

Below are several important factors to choose a navigation bar:

  • Navigation Time: Research states that users are most familiar with and navigate fastest when the navigation bar is located on the left side of the screen.
Navigation time
  • User Hesitation: Users tend to hesitate when there is more than one navigation bar on the screen. So it’s important to establish a clear hierarchy between different navigation bars when selecting the appropriate layout.
User hesitation
  • Mouse Movement Time: Placing navigation bars close to each other is a good option to reduce mouse movement time between content.
Mouse movement time
  • Error Rate: A clear hierarchy between navigation bars can help users minimize errors when making selections.
Error rates

5 Best Practices for Web Navigation

Tons of websites out there have navigation that is poorly designed. For example, their navigation menus have too many options. This overwhelms visitors, making them confused and unsure of where to go next. This can lead to frustration and cause visitors to leave the website. Therefore, to step your game up a little bit, here, we’ve pulled together some tips for the perfect web navigation. Give it a shot. Why not?

Recommended reading: 7 Key Elements of a modern Successful Website

1. Make It Prominent & Clear

Your navigation should stand out. Users need to find it easily without searching the page. Use a design that is clear and noticeable. Make sure the links are easy to read and not hidden in the background. Place the navigation bar where users expect to see it, usually at the top or left of the page. A prominent and clear navigation helps users move through your site without confusion.

2. Keep Web Navigation Consistent

Consistency is key in web navigation. If you change the layout or style from page to page, users may feel lost. Keep the navigation bar in the same place on every page. Use the same colors, fonts, and design elements. Consistent navigation builds trust with your users. They will feel more confident exploring your site when they know where everything is.

3. Keep It Concise

Less is more when it comes to navigation. Too many options can overwhelm users. Keep the menu short and to the point. Focus on the most important sections of your site. If you have more content, use drop-downs or submenus to organize it. A concise navigation makes it easier for users to find what they need quickly. Apple’s web navigation is a good example for simplicity.

Apple - web nevigation example

Recommended reading: How to Increase Web Conversion Rate?

4. Be Descriptive

Your navigation links should tell users exactly what to expect. Avoid vague labels like “Services” or “Products.” Instead, use specific terms that describe the content. For example, if you offer different services, list them out under the main category. Descriptive navigation helps users make decisions faster. They know what to click on without guessing.

5. Optimize for Mobile

Mobile optimization is crucial. More users are browsing websites on their phones. If your navigation doesn’t work well on mobile, you could lose visitors. Use responsive design to make sure your navigation adapts to different screen sizes. Consider using a hamburger menu to save space. Make sure links are easy to tap, and the menu is simple to access. Optimizing for mobile ensures that all users have a good experience, no matter what device they use.


Imagine what will happen if you walk for hours in the forest without a compass or a map. It feels daunting, doesn’t it? The same can be said for a website without navigation. In this article, we elaborated on different types of web navigation with incredible examples. We also guided you to choose the most suitable navigation option and use the best practices to help visitors navigate well in your website.

We hope this blog post has inspired you to create more interesting navigation in your future projects.

And now, it’s your turn! Do you have any tips on designing the perfect site navigation? It would be great to get your input. Feel free to share in the comments below! Don’t forget to subscribe to our blog to receive the latest information about web navigation!

The post All You Need to Know About Web Navigation Examples appeared first on Designveloper.

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Top 20 Free Stock Photo Websites in 2024 Thu, 15 Aug 2024 12:52:08 +0000 Are you searching for the perfect stock photos for your projects? Where to find all these photos is a frequently asked question. Today, with tech advancements, looking for free, high-quality resources for these photos is no longer tricky. Here, in this article, we’ll detail a list of 20 free stock photo websites you should consider! … Continue reading "Top 20 Free Stock Photo Websites in 2024"

The post Top 20 Free Stock Photo Websites in 2024 appeared first on Designveloper.

Are you searching for the perfect stock photos for your projects? Where to find all these photos is a frequently asked question. Today, with tech advancements, looking for free, high-quality resources for these photos is no longer tricky. Here, in this article, we’ll detail a list of 20 free stock photo websites you should consider!

What Are Free-Stock Photo Websites Used For?

What are free-stock photo websites used for?

The global market for stock images will each USD 12.1 billion in 2032, exhibiting a CAGR of 6.8% during the forecast period of 2023-2032. This market covers both free and paid photos and illustrations. The key driver behind this growth is a growing demand for high-quality, editorial-like photos for marketing and social media. Here, we only focus on free-stock photo sources.

Accordingly, free-stock photos have a wide range of applications across fields.

  • Marketing: They’re essential for marketing, where eye-catching visuals can make content more engaging.
  • Web Design: They provide the images needed to create appealing and user-friendly interfaces.
  • Blogging & Content Creation: Free-stock photos enhance articles and posts, making them more visually attractive.
  • Education & Presentation: Educators and presenters use these images to make their materials more engaging.

No matter the industry, free-stock photo websites offer versatile solutions for adding high-quality visuals to any project. For example, at Designveloper, we often rely on free-stock photo websites like Unplash,, or Freepik for various projects. Whether we need photos for blog posts, landing pages, or social media content, they offer a wide range of options. Here in this article, we also leveraged free-stock photos to illustrate our detailed list of 20 websites.

Why Should You Use Free-Stock Photo Websites?

Why should you use free-stock photo websites?

Using free-stock photo websites has many benefits.

First, they help you save money and avoid copyright issues. You don’t need to pay for expensive licenses or worry about copyright issues to get high-quality images. This is especially helpful if you’re on a tight budget or working on a small project.

Second, they save you time. Instead of taking your own photos or searching for free images across the Internet, you can find everything in one place.

Lastly, free-stock photo websites provide variety. You can find images that suit any style or theme, from stunning landscapes to detailed close-ups. This helps you create content that looks professional and polished. Using these websites is a smart choice for anyone who needs great visuals without the extra cost.

Third, Lastly, these websites provide variety. You can find images that suit any style or theme, helping you create content that looks professional and polished. Using free-stock photo websites is a smart choice for anyone who needs great visuals without the extra cost.

20 Free Stock Photo Websites You Should Bookmark!

To help you find them, we’ve compiled a list of the world’s best free stock photo websites. Without any further delay, let’s scroll!

1. Unsplash

Unplash - one of the best free-stock photo websites

This site is our marketing team’s go-to place every day!

It’s full of breathtakingly attractive high-resolution and 100% free photos, which means no attribution, no membership, and no stipulations on where you can use these photos. You can do whatever you want with them. If you subscribe to Unsplash, you can get 10 new photos every 10 days.

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2. offers a large collection of beautiful free images on a daily basis and all photos are released under both creative commons and public domain.

Make sure you check if the image requires attribution before using it.

Recommended read: Photography as a Tool for Album Art Creation

3. Gratisography


Just need one word to describe Gratisography’s collection – INCREDIBLE!

All pictures here are captured by the talent of Ryan McGuire, an artist and web designer. These photos are not only high quality but also the most evocative ones on the web. Although they’re all free of copyright restrictions, they’re appreciated.

4. Pixabay


Pixabay is a web designer’s dream. It’s super easy to find the photos you’re looking for. All images, vectors, and art illustrations on Pixabay are released free of copyright under Creative Commons CC0.

You may download, modify, distribute, and use them royalty free for anything you like, even in commercial applications. Attribution is not required.

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5. Pexels

Pexels - one of the best free-stock photo websites

Pexels is also one of my favorite websites. It offers hand-picked photos from a variety of sources online. You can browse thousands of photos for the right one for your purpose.

Every week, Pexels adds 30 new images to its collection.

6. Picjumbo


Picjumbo is a huge collection of totally free-quality photos for your commercial and personal works. New photos are added daily. You can also sign up for images to be delivered directly to your inbox.

7. FoodiesFeed


FoodiesFeed is a treasure trove for food lovers and creators. Particularly, the website offers a wide range of free-stock photos centered around food. From vibrant fruits to gourmet dishes, you can find images that capture the essence of deliciousness.

8. New Old Stock

New Old Stock

New Old Stock is a curated repository of vintage photos. You can scroll for hours without growing bored. And yes, it’s free of known copyright restrictions.

Recommended read: The 3 Single-Page Web Design Tips

9. Picography


Like other photo websites in this list, Picography is also an incredible gallery of random beautiful free-stock photos submitted by various photographers. By simply scrolling through the website or searching for any theme you want, you can easily find your desired photo.

10. Getrefe

Getrefe - one of the best free-stock photo websites

Getrefe offers an impressive collection of exceptional photos of nature, workspace, city landscape, and more. They’re taken by plenty of photographers traveling throughout Europe. Accordingly, you can use their free-stock photos for any project

11. Jay Mantri

Jay Mantri

Jay Mantri is one of Southern California’s finest designers. Every Thursday, he releases 7 new high-quality photos under the Creative Commons CC0 license. This means you can use his images for free to “make magic” and have no worries about attribution.

12. Burst (by Shopify)

Burst - one of the best free-stock photo websites

Burst is a free-stock photo website created by Shopify. It offers high-quality images that you can use for any project. The photos on Burst cover a wide range of topics. You will find images for business, lifestyle, and more. The site is user-friendly and easy to navigate. Accordingly, you can search for photos based on categories or keywords.

13. Freepik


Freepik is a versatile platform offering more than just photos. Particularly, you can find free vectors, icons, and PSD files alongside stock photos. This makes it a go-to for designers and content creators who need a variety of resources. Moreover, Freepik’s free-stock photos are visually appealing and suitable for many different projects.

14. Depositphotos


Depositphotos is another platform known for its premium content, but it also offers a range of free images. You can access high-quality stock photos that cover different themes and styles. Depositphotos’ free-stock images are a reliable choice when you need visuals that look professional.

15. FreeImages


FreeImages provides a large library of free photos, covering everything from landscapes to abstract art. It’s a straightforward platform where you can quickly find and download images. For this reason, FreeImages becomes popular among those looking for free-stock photos without the hassle of complex licensing.

16. Kaboompics


Kaboompics is a popular choice for lifestyle and interior design photos. Further, these images are free to use and often have a stylish, modern feel. Kaboompics is great for bloggers, designers, and anyone who wants to add a touch of elegance to their content.

17. Life of Pix

Life of Pix

Life of Pix offers high-resolution photos that are completely free. It also features stunning images contributed by photographers, making it a valuable resource for creative projects. Life of Pix is ideal if you need artistic and high-quality visuals.

18. SplitShire


SplitShire is a collection of free-stock photos created by one photographer. The images are unique and often have a personal touch. This site is perfect if you’re looking for something different from the usual stock photos. SplitShire’s photos are free and can be used for both personal and commercial projects.

19. offers a range of high-quality images that are free to use. The site features a variety of categories, including nature, food, and people. is a solid option when you need reliable and visually appealing stock photos.

20. ISO Republic

ISO Republic

ISO Republic provides free high-resolution photos for personal and commercial use. In particular, the site covers various categories, from tech to travel. ISO Republic’s free images are a great resource for anyone looking to add professional-quality visuals to their projects.

Your Turn!

There are a ton of free stock photo websites out there for you to choose from. This is our favorite list. How about you? Did you have any “I can’t believe you didn’t put it on your top” resources? Feel free to share your secret weapon in the comments below!

The post Top 20 Free Stock Photo Websites in 2024 appeared first on Designveloper.

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The 5 Single-Page Web Design Tips Thu, 15 Aug 2024 08:33:13 +0000 With the evolution of web design, you’ve probably well familiarized yourself with single-page websites. So did you know the single-page web design tips? They are super hot and popular and if you do right, your website could be a hit – no doubt about that! For those who haven’t known a thing about single-page websites … Continue reading "The 5 Single-Page Web Design Tips"

The post The 5 Single-Page Web Design Tips appeared first on Designveloper.

With the evolution of web design, you’ve probably well familiarized yourself with single-page websites. So did you know the single-page web design tips? They are super hot and popular and if you do right, your website could be a hit – no doubt about that! For those who haven’t known a thing about single-page websites yet, check the article below out for a deeper understanding.

Understand a Single-Page Web Design

Understand a single-page web design

Before delving into our tips today, you first need to understand what single-page web design is. This is a modern approach to building your websites. Instead of having multiple pages with the main navigation, all the content is on one page. You can scroll or click through sections to find what you want.

Future of a Single-Page Web Design

Cognitive Market Research found that the global web design market will reach USD 56.8 billion in 2024. It then grow at a compound annual growth rate of 8.50% between 2024 and 2031. Along with this growth, the future of single-page web design also looks promising.

Why? This design style is clean, fast, and focused on delivering a seamless user experience. It’s now popular because it simplifies navigation and keeps users engaged without overwhelming them with too much information at once. In the future, we predict more businesses and designers opt for this design style for simplicity and speed.

As technology evolves, we’ll likely see more interactive elements that enhance user engagement. Single-page design may also become more dynamic, with features like real-time updates or more personalized content. The focus will remain on creating fast, responsive, and visually engaging experiences.

When trends shift, sing-page design will continue to adapt. This turns it into a strong choice for years to come.

Why Should You Master Single-Page Web Design Tips?

Understanding and mastering these tips are crucial if you want to create effective websites. These tips help you make the most of this design style. Without them, your site can feel cluttered or confusing. Further, they ensure your site remains user-friendly and visually appealing. With a single-page design, every detail counts. So, following the right guidelines help you avoid common pitfalls. Accordingly, you can design a website that looks good and functions smoothly.

The 5 Single-Page Web Design Tips that You Should Focus On

There are always certain things you have to follow through on when making any website. But when it comes to single-page web designs, there are five vital elements to keep in mind:

Recommended read: 5 Benefits of a Single-Page Website for Your Business

1. Prioritize Simplicity

Sometimes, less is more. With single-page sites, everything should be made as simple as possible for visitors (there’s not so much room for you to clutter up anyway). Take a look at Aqualitis, a typical example of a simple design:


When visitors access your page, they want to get what they are looking for right away. Who has got the time to read volumes of text unless a person is here to read a novel? Single-page sites give you only one shot. So, instead of beating around the bush, make sure your content is essential, short, and readable.

To make sure it works, I highly recommend you give yourself a few seconds to go through your own site and answer these questions: Is your main message clear and strong enough? Is the crucial information, especially your contact info, easy to find out? Is your site interesting enough to keep you staying? Then, you get your answers!

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2. Consider Easy-to-use Navigation

Why does a single-page website need a navigation bar since all things are in one place?

Good question! It’s because everything is placed in one large room that a navigation bar makes sense. The navigation of the page will be linked to some particular sections of that page. Visitors just need to click on any of navigating links, the page will do its job of bringing them to that particular section.

Even though visitors can go there by scrolling the mouse and taking the journey on their own, you still need to have navigation to keep your website user-friendly. Below is a good example of how a single-page site is easy to navigate:


One more thing to add, your aim is to keep the navigation clear and easy to use. So don’t redirect your visitors to an external website without any warning as it can be confusing. If you must do so, consider using icons or headings to let them know where they are being redirected go.

3. Add Lively Engaging Elements

It’s crucial to give your single-page site a sense of life and motion. Making new elements come out and then others disappear when your visitors travel through the site will grab their interest and retain them longer. The single-page website of Café Frida is a typical example for adding engaging elements:

Cafe Frida

No matter how brilliant your content is, if you don’t break up long text with those unique effects, navigating through the site becomes monotonous and visitors may leave out of boredom.

Instead of making some motion effects, you can also change background colors for a better user experience. It’s hard for visitors to determine where each section begins and ends if your sites use a single color. Let’s think outside the box and make your site memorable!

4. Ensure Responsive Design

Even with a single-page website, making it responsive is essential. A responsive design adjusts to different screen sizes and devices. This ensures your content looks good whether visitors are on a smartphone, tablet, or desktop. Focus on making your site easy to navigate on any device. Ensure buttons are clickable, text is readable, and images are properly sized.

What if your website has large volumes of data that are difficult to display on small screens while still ensuring complete information? In this case, our advise is to analyze and designate some data as key values. On smaller screens, key value data should be always prioritized for display. Meanwhile, less important data will be placed in a scrollable area. This helps convey important messages to visitors while retaining complete information. Here’s our typical format to display information across devices:

Designveloper - Respondive design

5. Optimize for Speed and Performance

No one wants to spend time on a slow-loading website. Visitors can immediately get our of this website before they even see your content. To keep your site fast, optimize images and compress files. Avoid using too many heavy scripts that can bog down performance. Don’t forget to check how your site loads on different devices and make adjustments as needed.

A fast, responsive site ensures that visitors have a smooth experience, no matter what device they use. When your website performs well, visitors are more likely to stay and explore.


I hope this post has inspired you to make a perfect one-page website for your business! In case you’re interested in having a professional designer help you with your one-page website, don’t hesitate to give Designveloper a call. We’re here to help you!

Do you have your own special single-page web design tips? Leave a comment and let me know.

The post The 5 Single-Page Web Design Tips appeared first on Designveloper.

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10 Best Web Design Companies in Spain Fri, 05 Jul 2024 07:08:47 +0000 Do you want to find the top web design companies in Spain? Having a professional and visually appealing website is vital for your online presence, whether you’re a small business owner or a corporate behemoth. With so many web design businesses to pick from, it can be difficult to find the appropriate one for your … Continue reading "10 Best Web Design Companies in Spain"

The post 10 Best Web Design Companies in Spain appeared first on Designveloper.

Do you want to find the top web design companies in Spain? Having a professional and visually appealing website is vital for your online presence, whether you’re a small business owner or a corporate behemoth. With so many web design businesses to pick from, it can be difficult to find the appropriate one for your company. But don’t worry, we’ve already done the legwork! In this post, we’ll look at the best 10 web design firms in Spain that can assist you in creating a website that stands out from the crowd. We cover everything from inventive designs to user-friendly interfaces. So, let’s get started and find the best web design companies in Spain!

An Overview

Before we get into the top web design companies in Spain, let’s first discuss why web design is important. With 81% of consumers conducting online research before making a purchase, having a professional and visually appealing website can make or break a business. According to one survey, 75% of individuals rate a company’s legitimacy depending on its website design. As a result, selecting the correct web design company is critical to the success of your organization. 

Importance of having a good website design in Spain

A proper website design is vital for any company doing business in Spain. Businesses cannot afford to have a poorly designed website with the increasing importance of online visibility. A well-designed website not only attracts visitors but also encourages them to stay longer and interact with your company. A survey found that visitors spend an average of 15 seconds or less on a website before deciding whether to stay or depart. This implies you only have a few seconds to make an excellent first impression. A decent web design can assist you in achieving this goal.

Importance of having a good website design in Spain

Besides luring people, smart website design also aids in search engine optimization (SEO). Websites that are well-designed, user-friendly, and give a favorable user experience are favored by search engines such as Google. This means that having a well-designed website can help you rank higher in search engines, resulting in more organic visitors and, eventually, more business.

Also, smart website design can aid in brand awareness and credibility. A professional and visually appealing website can help your company stand out from the crowd. A poorly designed website, on the other hand, can make your company appear amateurish and turn off potential clients.

Keeping up with the current trends in web design in Spain is critical. Custom graphics give a unique touch that can make a website stand out. Animated product reveals are a popular technique to present things on websites. Animated cursors and photo merging with graphical components are also becoming increasingly popular.

Glassmorphism, which includes employing translucent glass-like components to give a sense of depth and dimensionality, is one design trend that has gained favor in recent months. It’s a clean and modern design style that can work effectively for a variety of website types. Neumorphism, on the other hand, which has been fashionable in recent years, is beginning to disappear in Spain.

These trends are based on current design practices and consumer preferences in Spain. Web designers who keep up with them may develop websites that are not only visually appealing but also effective at engaging their target audience.

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Top 10 Web Design Companies in Spain

Go no further if you’re looking for the best web design companies in Spain! We will present to you the top 10 web design businesses that stand out in the industry. These firms have had a considerable impact on the Spanish web design market, and their portfolios speak for themselves. To compile this list, we examined many web design firms based on their experience, expertise, client happiness, and industry recognition. Thus, without further ado, here are the top 10 web design firms in Spain.

1. Workshop Built

Go no further than Workshop Built if you’re looking for a credible web design firm in Spain. Workshop Built, with a team of brand experts, strategists, and designers, has assisted some of the largest brands in business. Every step of the way, the company’s proven collaboration process ensures that you obtain the finest possible results and rock-solid alignment.

Workshop Built

One of Workshop Built’s most compelling selling features is its small but powerful staff of senior-level thinkers, strategists, and designers. These seasoned experts offer a lot of knowledge to each project, ensuring that your brand receives the individualized attention it deserves. Plus, with clients such as Cushman Wakefield, Sotheby’s, and others, you can rest assured that your brand is in good hands.

The emphasis at Workshop Built is always on assisting your brand in reaching its greatest potential. Workshop Made can assist you whether you’re just starting out or looking to refresh your current branding.

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2. The Branx 

The Branx is a top-tier web design firm in Spain that helps businesses make a lasting impact online. Their professionals collaborate closely with clients to understand their needs and preferences, and they endeavor to exceed expectations.

The Branx 

The Branx has gained a reputation as one of the best web design companies in Spain by focusing on quality, originality, and attention to detail. Their methodology is customized for each client, ensuring that each website they design is an accurate expression of the business and its values.

The Branx’s commitment to user experience is one of its most notable qualities. They understand the significance of designing a website that is visually appealing and simple to use. This emphasis on user experience has resulted in an excellent portfolio of visually attractive and highly functioning websites.

The Branx has worked with a diverse spectrum of clients in industries such as healthcare, education, finance, and retail. Among their remarkable client list are Aviator, Impro and ScreenLoop. This demonstrates the company’s capacity to provide high-quality web design services to businesses of all sizes and types.

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3. Appetite Creative

Appetite Creative is a multi-award-winning creative technology firm focused on bringing innovative advertising to life. They are passionate about developing engaging digital campaigns and providing effective branding across a wide range of marketing services ad formats. Their knowledge spans web and mobile to IoT, blockchain, peer-to-peer, and the metaverse. Disney, Mercedes, British Airlines, PepsiCo, Emirates, and Amazon have all collaborated with the company.

Appetite Creative

Appetite Creative is a versatile studio that can design, produce, and implement innovative digital solutions as well as branding. They create groundbreaking solutions such as WhatsApp advertisements, one-of-a-kind QR codes, blockchain solutions, connected packaging, NFT strategy, and P2E games and campaigns. They draw audiences to stores, create engaging gamification platforms, and generate high levels of engagement through innovative formats.

This multi-award-winning creative technology studio was named one of the top 1000 B2B firms in the world in 2020, as well as the top B2B company in 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021. Jenny Stanley, Appetite Creative’s founder and MD, has been nominated for the 100 Digileaders of 2020 + 2021 IoD London & South Award-Director of the Year. The company has delivered branding, digital campaigns, and projects worldwide.

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4. Teplin

Searching for a reputable web design firm in Spain to assist you in creating a visually appealing website for your company? Teplin is the obvious choice. Teplin has executed over 200 digital projects for clients worldwide with a staff of over 50 professional developers, designers, and QA testers. Web development, UI/UX design and branding, AQA and QA testing, support and maintenance, and rescue services are among their offerings.


The firm’s concentration is on providing digital support to organizations of all sizes around the world, with a goal to develop powerful, effective, and engaging websites, web and mobile applications, and other digital products. Teplin’s developers create custom websites and web applications that are professional, imaginative, high-performing, and secure, allowing you to reach your business objectives.

Teplin is one of the best in the field when it comes to web design in Spain. Their skilled team is dedicated to providing you with the best and most cost-effective services and solutions possible. 

5. Iktomi

Iktomi is an innovation firm dedicated to solving business problems via design. By combining creative thinking and data analytics, they can provide their clients with a competitive advantage. 


They work by collaborating with their clients to bring their projects to life and effectively interact with their customers. Their team is made up of multicultural designers, strategists, and consultants with over 15 years of combined experience in branding, communications, and digital disciplines.

Iktomi’s strategy also involves striking a balance between strategic thinking and practical implementation. They believe that taking a consistent strategic approach yields consistent superior results. This is proven by their portfolio of high-profile clients, including Masat, JLL, Google, Qualcomm, and the BBC. Truly, they are one of the top web design companies in Spain, and they can assist businesses handle their design difficulties.

6. Vrrb

Vrrb is a global digital creative agency that stands out as one of the best web design companies in Spain. The company has its offices in Los Angeles, United States and another in Barcelona, Spain.


The company was established in 2007 and currently it has a staff of approximately 10 people. They focus on creating web applications, mobile applications, and software as a service products. Their clients include artificial intelligence software as a service companies, and multinational corporations such as Ferrari and Visa.

Vrrb’s one of the most successful works was the Palm Springs Bureau of Tourism. They redesigned and developed a new website which was shifted from Drupal to WordPress. The client expressed his/her satisfaction with the recommendations, work quality, and cooperation with Vrrb.

Another project that Vrrb completed is the WordPress website for Tempo that was both designed and built by Vrrb. The changes in the website were appreciated by the customers for its performance and easy to navigate layout.

7. Digital Silk

In the sphere of web design in Spain, Digital Silk is one of the most memorable names. This web design agency offers a complete package of services for growing brands online with tailored services. Established in 2019, Digital Silk has grown to become one of the most prominent companies in the sphere of digital marketing.

Digital Silk

The company specializes in designing and developing better digital solutions. They serve many industries, B2B and B2C, and some of their clients are HP, Microsoft, Amazon, Xerox, AT&T, NFL, P&G, NYU, NASA, etc. Their portfolio includes a large number of works, including individual B2C and B2B solutions, as well as eCommerce platforms for traffic, participation, and sales.

Digital Silk’s services do not stop at web design. They provide a full range of digital services, from digital marketing, digital marketing for specific industries, software development, and others. This makes them a one stop shop for business who want to go digital.

Among the peculiarities that can be observed in Digital Silk’s approach to the development of the application, one of the most important is the emphasis on the development of new, convenient interfaces. They know that a website that is well designed is one that will not only attract the traffic but also keep the traffic engaged with the brand. This strategy corresponds to the current tendencies in Spain web design, where custom graphics and animated product unveil are becoming more and more popular.

8. Designli

Designli, the leading software company in the Southeast USA, is stepping into the web design market in Spain. This company is dedicated to building apps and web apps with a clear mission: to provide the customers with an excellent product development experience in order to get 5-star ratings from them.


Designli is unique because of its dedication to the success of the clients. They offer a team of specialists who are devoted to a particular project and work on it exclusively. It enables them to go into the details of the user, and create software that is not only functional but also psychologically engaging.

They offer services in the areas of UX/UI design, web application development, and mobile application development. They adhere to the best practices to prototype and deliver an MVP that corresponds to the business case. This makes their development approach very flexible and able to adapt to changes that are in perfect harmony with the users.

What makes Designli stand out is that their commitment of making the process of constructing software fun. They help their clients from the initial stage of developing unique software, which shows that application development does not have to be complex.

9. RNO1

RNO1, a branding and digital growth agency based in the United States, is already making its mark on web design in Spain. They have worked for more than 14 years, and they have worked with some of the most revolutionary brands.


Their innovative subscription strategies assist future-first organisations to reinvent and perform on change across stages. They focus on branding and identity, web and digital presence, digital product design and development, e-commerce, and virtual & augmented reality.

Some of their work that stands out include the development of the ‘Cloud Apartments’ platform. They have worked on branding, identity, and digital platform and this is a project that demonstrates these skills.

RNO1 has received international acknowledgement for its work. These have made them stand out as one of the best web design companies in the market in Spain through their dedication towards offering unique digital experiences.

Their approach is future-focused. They counsel technology companies regarding the platforms and places. This focus on progressive design makes them an excellent choice for companies that are looking to stand out on the internet.

10. Pittura Group

Pittura Group is a business consulting firm that was founded in Barcelona, Spain and focuses on providing holistic digital solutions. They enable organizations to succeed in the constantly changing digital environment, and the company’s offices are located in Barcelona and Dubai.

Pittura Group

Pittura Group is one of the most prominent companies in the sphere of web design in Spain, and they have their specific approach to the creation of designs. They focus on the user experience (UX) so that the solutions are not only beautiful but also simple and easy to use. This human-centered design principle makes them stand out from the rest of the companies in the market.

One of the major components of their process is the collaborative workshops. They engage with the clients in order to determine the target market and the image that the client wishes to portray. This leads to a flexible layout that is unique to the brand and vision of each client who seeks the services of this company.

The other aspect of their service delivery is the consideration of responsive design by Pittura Group. They make sure that solutions appear beautiful and work well on any device, be it a computer, a tablet or a mobile.

Pittura Group does not only focus on web design, but it also has other specializations. They focus on creating unique and customized mobile applications, web applications, and software solutions that fit the business requirements and user demands. These services make them a one-stop shop for any business that requires services to improve its online presence.

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On Evaluating Web Design Companies in Spain 

 In this section, we’ll go over the most important variables to consider when evaluating web design companies in Spain, as well as why they’re important. 


Looking at a portfolio is an important step in selecting web design businesses in Spain. It provides information on the type of job they have done in the past as well as their skills. An excellent web design firm would have a diversified and extensive portfolio that showcases a variety of projects in many industries. Look for examples of their work that connect with the aims and vision of your project.

The portfolio should also demonstrate the company’s ability to design visually beautiful, user-friendly websites. A website should not only be visually appealing, but also practical and simple to use. The web design firm should be able to build a design that reflects the client’s brand while also effectively communicating the message to the target audience.

Another factor to evaluate is the responsiveness of the portfolio’s websites. A responsive website adapts to various devices and screen sizes, ensuring a consistent experience. With the growing popularity of mobile devices, a flexible website is vital for reaching a larger audience.

It is also worth examining whether the web design firm has previously worked with clients in your industry. This demonstrates their expertise in your sector as well as their capacity to comprehend your specific requirements and issues.

Customer Reviews

Client feedback is an important aspect of assessing the performance of a web design firm. Reading reviews from previous clients can offer you an indication of the company’s job quality, communication, and customer service. 

When looking for the finest web design companies in Spain, read customer reviews to have a better grasp of the experiences other businesses have had with each company. Positive reviews indicate that a web design firm will give outstanding service and generate high-quality work. A company with unfavorable reviews, on the other hand, should be approached with caution. 

When reading reviews, look for recurring themes or issues raised by several reviewers. This might help you determine the company’s strengths and flaws. Google Reviews, Clutch, and Yelp are all excellent places to find customer feedback.


When selecting a web design business in Spain, price is always an important factor to consider. Before making any decisions, it is critical to understand the costs involved. In general, web design businesses in Spain charge based on the size and complexity of the project. The higher the expense, the larger and more intricate the website. Some businesses also charge hourly fees, but others provide fixed-price packages. It’s critical to remember that the lowest option isn’t necessarily the best.

It is critical to compare rates and services given while comparing web design businesses in Spain. Some businesses may provide more extensive packages, such as website maintenance and marketing services, while others may provide more basic services. Prices for web design services in Spain can vary greatly, ranging from a few hundred euros to tens of thousands of euros. But, it’s important to remember that investing in a decent web design can pay off in the long run by attracting more clients and increasing revenue.

It’s also worth mentioning that certain web design companies in Spain may provide discounts to startups or small enterprises, while others may provide financing to help clients stretch the cost over time. When comparing web design businesses in Spain, it’s critical to consider the entire value for money rather than just the pricing. In some circumstances, paying a little more for a high-quality website can result in a higher long-term return on investment.

Support and Maintenance

While selecting a web design firm in Spain, support and maintenance are critical elements to consider. Websites require regular updates, security patches, and technical assistance to guarantee that they remain operational at all times. The best web design companies in Spain provide their clients with dependable and efficient support and maintenance services.

In terms of customer service, it’s critical to select a firm that offers numerous channels of connection, such as phone, email, and live chat. This ensures that you can contact them whenever you require support with your website. A company that offers 24/7 support is advantageous since it means you may get assistance at any time of day or night.

Maintenance services are also necessary because they keep your website up to date and safe. It is great to work with a provider that provides frequent backups, software upgrades, and security fixes. It is also critical to inquire about their response speed in the event of any technical issues or website downtime. A trustworthy organization should reply immediately and attempt to remedy any difficulties as soon as feasible.

Some companies include continuous maintenance services in their packages, while others charge a fee for them. Before making a decision, it is critical to understand the prices involved and what is included in each package.


Communication is a crucial aspect of any web design project, and it can make or break the final product. The best web design companies in Spain understand this and prioritize clear and effective communication with their clients. They use multiple channels, including phone, email, and instant messaging, to keep their clients informed about the project’s progress and make sure their clients’ needs are met.

Additionally, top-rated web design companies in Spain make sure to establish a single point of contact for each project to avoid confusion and miscommunication. They assign a project manager or an account executive to serve as the primary point of contact for the client. This person is responsible for communicating with the client, keeping them updated on the project’s status, and relaying the client’s feedback and concerns to the development team.

Furthermore, some companies use project management tools that allow clients to track the project’s progress in real-time. This feature provides clients with a clear overview of the project’s status, timeline, and upcoming tasks. It also allows them to communicate with the development team and provide feedback directly on the platform.

Effective communication is essential to ensure that the project stays on track and is completed successfully. Without clear communication, misunderstandings and misinterpretations can lead to costly delays and mistakes. Therefore, it is crucial to choose a web design company in Spain that prioritizes communication and has a proven track record of delivering projects on time and within budget.

What Can We at Designveloper Offer?

At Designveloper, we are not only a team, but a family. We are a team of professionals who have love for what they do, and this makes us provide the best web design services. We have worked in different industries and have completed more than 100 projects and have worked for more than 500000 hours.

Our portfolio

What Can We at Designveloper Offer?

This portfolio contains various projects that we have completed. For example, we have created Lumin, a document viewing, editing, and sharing platform for PDFs. We have also created Bonux, a digital wallet where investors can store, trade, and transact using the wallet. Here are some of our projects in the web design and development category:

We know the web design in Spain and the market in which we are operating. With Spanish being estimated at about 6 percent of Internet users worldwide, and about 30% of online commerce traffic in Spain are generated via mobile devices, mobile responsiveness is critical .

Our approach is customer-centric. We always aim to satisfy our clients and provide the best IT services that will enable your business to expand to the international standard. We have established a large popularity among the population and have built a strong base of regular clients in the IT market.

Well, if you are in need of a web design partner in Spain then you have come to the right place. Our team at Designveloper is eager to make your dream come true. Shall we build something great?

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Selecting the correct web design firm in Spain can make or break your online business ambitions. Each of the companies mentioned in this article has distinct assets and features that set them apart from the competition. You can make an informed selection on which firm best meets your demands by evaluating variables such as their portfolio, user reviews, pricing, support and maintenance, and communication. 

It is crucial to note that the web design market is always changing, therefore it is critical to select a company that not only delivers great services but also stays up to date on the current trends and technology. Designveloper hopes that this post was educational and gave you valuable insights to help you make an informed decision. If you have any queries or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The post 10 Best Web Design Companies in Spain appeared first on Designveloper.

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