Party, again? Yes, we partied AGAIN! Another birthday party amazingly ended with so much fun and happiness. We sang and danced all night long with the drinks flowing like water.

Especially, this is not a normal birthday party, it’s also our Mid-Autumn celebration. For those who haven’t known about Mid-Autumn Festival yet, it is one of the biggest holidays in our country. It is very much like a combination of Halloween and Thanksgiving for Westerners. Children parade on the streets while singing and carrying colorful lanterns of different sizes. Some of the popular shapes include fishes, stars, butterflies, etc.
This festival is very meaningful to us. It’s not only an occasion to take a rest after tons of hours working hard, but also means family reunion and peace. And, Designveloper is our second family! We don’t know how long we will be together, but we appreciate this priceless time in our lives. Just like Mr. Ha Truong, our Project Manager said:
“Who know the future!
Just work together
Be friends, be brothers…”
I would love to hear your own memorable events with your team in the comments below! 🙂

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